Chapter 64

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"Can you stop staring?" I ask as I bend over placing my hands on my knees. My breath was coming and going and quick heavy burst.

Taehyun sat in the corner just watching over the edge of his grammaire as I trained even more. "I'm just trying to figure out why you're training so hard? That's all you seem to be doing..."

I wipe the little bit of sweat from my forehead and ponder how to respond.

"You're already at Yeonjun's level... why keep pushing yourself?"

"I want to make sure I can handle anything that comes our way."

"Why keep lying to them?"

"It's not really a lie." I snap in my head at Rerek.

"You also need to relax sometimes." He replied with a chuckle.

"My thing is, I'm still not allowed to go out on missions... Soobin doesn't think I'm ready, so I have to prove I am."

"It's not that he thinks you're not ready..." Taehyun said as he finally flipped a page.

"Then what is it?" I question as I make my way over to where he sat, taking a spot on the floor on his right side.

"He is worried you'll act irrationally... you or Yeonjun."

I roll my eyes, though a part of my mind knew it was true. I would try to hold my emotions in, but if one of them got hurt- I'd probably snap. "I'd still like to be able to use these new powers on something other than on dummies."

Taehyun snorted through his nose. "You used them on Yeonjun last night."

"A dummy." I reply before I could even think it over.

Taehyun looked at me, his eyes matching mine. We were both slightly shocked at what I had just said. Then we both burst out laughing.

"Oh my god!" I yell as I clap my hands.

"You're so mean." Taehyun said between laughs.

"Glad you both find humor and making fun of me."

Our heads snap up. There stood Yeonjun leaning back on the opposite wall, his face drawn into a frown.

I put my hand over my mouth to try and hide the rest of my chuckles.

"Sorry." I say even though I didn't think he believed me with how I was still fighting to not laugh.

Yeonjun pushes off the wall and starts walking towards the dummy I had left on the ground.

"You're comparing me to this?" He asked as he raised a brow and kicked the plastic stuffed body.

"Not exactly..." I cover my mouth again as Taehyun bumps our shoulders together. The look on his face let me know he too was fighting to keep his laughter in.

I gasp as I stop the dummy from hitting me by a few inches.

Yeonjun shrugged as I glared at him. "At least your reflexes are amazingly sharp."

I send the dummy flying back at. He simply side stepped out of its path.

"I just wanted to come and check in on your training, not find myself the butt end of a joke."

I roll my eyes, I knew he wasn't upset. Yeonjun just wanted to pout. "It was a great joke though." I comment and shoot Taehyun a shit eating grin.

Yeonjun clicked his tongue as he watched us fight off another fit of laughter.

Before either one of us could blink, he was right in my face. I stop his hand that was reaching for the collar of my shirt.

"How about you focus on the training you've been so obsessed with?" He said with a quirk of his brow. "Unless, you finally believe you're strong enough to truly hold your own."

"I know I'm not as strong as I can be." I reply as I narrow my eyes at him. I flick his hand away and get to my feet. Inclining my head back as I keep our gazes locked.

Taehyun says nothing as he gets up and heads to leave. He knew Yeonjun wasn't mad, but there was something he had to say to me alone.

I break our glaring just long enough to check and see that Taehyun was really gone. "What's up?" I ask as I look back at Yeonjun.

"I know Taehyun asked you, but why are you training so hard? What is the goal?"

"Like I told him, I want to be able to hold my own. I want to go on missions without anyone having to watch out for me."

He tilts his head to the side as his eyes narrow a bit. "I think you're lying."

I bit down on my inner cheek as he grabs the sides of my head. He was trying to dig around in my mind.

"Yeonjun stop!" I snap at him.

I knew I was lying, but him trying to force the truth from me. He was crossing a line.

"If you're not lying, then why are you blocking me out?"

"Because you're acting like the old you, or the dark you... and I don't like it." I reply quietly. I felt guilt and sadness. "Why are you trying to get into my mind?"

Yeonjun's eyes soften at my words. "I'm worried... I feel like you're keeping stuff from us."

"You kept a lot from me before. So much, Yeonjun." I pull away, his hands falling to his sides. "I'm training to keep us all safe. It's time I do something to make all this stop so we can rest in peace."

His eyes widen slightly. "What are you planning?"

"Nothing." I reply as I turn away from him as he tries to reach out for me again. "Please, I'll only say this once. Don't try and look in my head. We're doing so good. I don't want that to end already."

Yeonjun stopped right where he was.

I look over my shoulder, sending him a small smile. I knew he was just worried, but I was not about to let him fall back into the habit of doing what he thought was best for me. I was no longer the weak little human I once was. I was just as strong as him and if I could, I'd be stronger than him. I would be able to wipe away our main enemy on my own. Save them all from getting hurt again, make it where we could go outside without having to worry about some demons being sent to us by Andromalius.

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