Chapter 26

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Evelyn no longer knew when the real Yeonjun came to visit her. The female demon and Andromalius had played with her so much, that she no longer wanted to even look up when she saw Yeonjun enter her room.

She was scared every time she saw Yeonjun, her brain telling her it was the start of another game.

She wanted to shed tears so badly, hoping that if she could it would ease the heavy weight she felt on her shoulders.

Yeonjun had entered a few times trying to reach out to her a few more times, but Evelyn never tried reaching back out. She was too scared to take that leap and it all blow up in her face again.

Even though she fought against it, she would still be pulled from the corner of her room, into another realm somewhere, where a smiling Yeonjun was waiting to embrace her. Just to stab her in the back, and tell her over and over again how he never loved her.

The only time she would perk up was when any of the others would come to see her. So far the demons haven't taken on their faces for some reason.

This time Evelyn watched as Taehyun came in, a piece of her soul floating next to him.

Her eyes widened as she realized it was the piece the female demon had. Did that mean she would no longer be able to play games with her mind?

"Evelyn... what happened to you out there?" Taehyun asked the air.

"So much," Evelyn replied feeling the weight push even harder down on her.

She watched as he stepped closer, adding the other part of her soul with the rest.

"Taehyun...?" She asked as she stepped closer, trying to figure out why he was grabbing his chest as if he was in pain. "What's going on?"

She started worrying that this was the start of Andromalius using the faces of the other members.

Her worry trickled away a little as Taehyun took a seat and rubbed at his face, seeming to be deep in thought.

"Fucking hell." He said under his breath as he rubbed harshly at his eyes.

"Taehyun! What's wrong?" Evelyn yelled in vain, she knew he couldn't hear her. She just couldn't help herself as she watched how stressed he looked.

He opened his eyes and looked down at her. "Evelyn, we definitely need to get you back, sooner rather than later." She watched as he reached out and grabbed her hand. "Yeonjun is getting so reckless with all of this..."

Her worry spiked again as she heard that. Yeonjun was getting reckless? What was he doing now?

Evelyn felt a stabbing pain in her chest as flashes of Yeonjun fighting the female demon that had been causing her so much hell.

She brought her hand to her chest as the pain got stronger as Yeonjun twisted the knife in the demon's body that looked just like her.

Out of nowhere, the demon's body exploded, little bits of light flooding from her body. They all ranged in size and color. Some were tiny little specks, others were as big as a normal soul. They were different shades of green, blue, red, and orange.

Evelyn watched as Yeonjun was thrown back into the wall behind him. She knew it was the bits of her soul that went to him, the parts the demon had eaten.

The bits of her soul went over to him and landed on his head, and in the next moment, Yeonjun was gone from the cave and in her room.

She blinked a few times and watched as Taehyun rushed over to Yeonjun's body.


Taehyun slowly paced his room as he was flipping through his mother's grammaire, looking for anything that could give him hints as to what was going on with him.

On his bed were other books he had also flipped through a few times as well.

Taehyun wasn't looking through the spells his mother had in the book, no. His mother also dedicated a part of her book to notes of things she had found out that were noteworthy in her lifetime.

So far, he had found nothing. It made him want to pull his hair out, but he wouldn't break down just yet. He would keep looking until he was sure there was nothing in his books that he had at hand.

He knew he would find something somewhere, he had to.

What if something like this has never happened before? He hated his mind sometimes, but it was usually right.

There was no knowledge of anyone having their soul shattered like Evelyn's. No knowledge of anyone trying parts of someone else's soul to their own like he had been doing. But. he knew there was something out there somewhere about people's souls being tied together... It was an old practice for many supernatural beings as a form of marriage or a way to seek revenge. 

A knock on his door made him pause his thinking.

"Come in." He said as he shut the book and placed it on his bed with the others.

Soobin walked in with a small smile, his stress from a few days ago should be gone by now. So why did he look stressed again?

"Dumah is on her way here, she said she had some news for us."

And there's the reason. Taehyun thought as he nodded and followed after Soobin. 

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