Chapter 22

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To hell~

Everyone's eyes widened as they registered what the demon had said.

"You're lying." Yeonjun ground out from clenched teeth.

"Am I?" The demon asked as she raised her hand.

A few seconds went by before Huening Kai had to rush forward and grab a hold of Yeonjun who went after the demon, ready to rip her apart.

In the demon's hand was in fact a part of Evelyn's soul... a very dim part of it.

"How did you get that? And what have you done to her?" Yeonjun yelled as he fought against Huening Kai's hold. He had yet to see a part of her soul shine that dimly. Was this why Eveltn said it was hell for her?  

This thought made Yeonjun fight even harder to get away from Huening Kai. "I will tear you apart, you demon whore!"

"Yeonjun!" Dumah called out as she stepped in front of him, breaking his eye contact with the demon. "You need to calm down before you do something stupid." She bit out as she took note of his glowing red eyes.

Yeonjun stopped fighting Huening Kai and stood still. His breathing was sallow and fast, his heart was beating rapidly as he thought over was to dismember the demon that was a few feet from him.

Dumah turned to face the demon, anger was rushing through her as well, but she knew better than to let her emotions show in front of a demon. "What are you wanting in exchange for the piece of soul?" She asked the demon, her tone and face not giving anything away.

"I want the fallen angel to come to my domain with me for an evening." She said as she ran a finger over the blue ball of light. "I will return the piece of soul the next morning." She added as she looked up at Dumah with a sly smile.

"That is out of the question. For a moment, let's go back to the real reason we brought you here. Why are you after Yeonjun?" Dumah needed to know why she was after him, maybe that would lead to how she got the piece of Evelyn's soul.

"Ever heard of the demon lord, Andromalius? He wanted me to cause a little trouble for the fallen angel. He doesn't seem to like any of you at all for that matter."

Dumah was taken aback at the mention of her old partner. "How did he contact you?"

"Give me a bit of your blood and I'll answer a few more questions."

Dumah pulled a knife seemingly out of thin air, balling her free hand into a fist. She cut into the flesh at the bottom of her palm. Beomgyu rushed over with a bottle, trying to catch all of the silver-colored blood.

Once her cut was healed, Beomgyu popped the lid on the bottle and handed it to Dumah. The angel stepped close to the edge of the circle and tossed the bottle to the demon.

Astaroth caught the bottle with ease. She brought it close to her eyes, admiring the shimmer of the silver-colored liquid.

"I like to go into the pit in Judecca and watch the people burn, especially the people I send there after our deal ends." She said as she turned to face Dumah again, the bottle of blood disappearing from her hand. "He spoke with me, asking if I could do this job for him. Me, loving things that involve meeting new people, agreed. Then he added the little detail," She lifted the piece of Evelyn's soul, making everyone look back at it. "I definitely wanted to do it after. Never in all my years have I heard of a soul shattering, let alone the fact that part of Apep's powers were somewhere in her soul still... So interesting."

"Other than Yeonjun returning with you, what are you willing to give the soul over for?" Dumah asked now that she knew how this all came to be.

"Nothing, I have a job to finish, and that's to make him," She pointed at Yeonjun who was still being loosely held by Huening Kai. "forget about her." She then added as she pointed at the piece of Evelyn's soul.

"What is Andromalius paying you for this job?"

"A few hundred souls." She replied with a laugh.

Dumah sighed internally. What could she offer the demon that was better than souls? The one thing that demons loved the most.

"This is stupid."

Before anyone could think, Yeonjun was already in the circle with the demon.

He forced her to the ground and grabbed the part of Evelyn's soul the demon had, throwing it the best he could towards Taehyun.

Taehyun reacted quickly. Grabbing the piece of soul with magic and tying it to him right away, then his eyes were back on the circle.

Astaroth was screeching as Yeonjun held her down on the ground.

"Send us to hell now!" He yelled as he struggled to keep the demon down.

"No, you can't go with her!" Dumah yelled as she stepped forward, not sure on what to do.

"Beomgyu, do it! I broke the circle. Send us back now before she gets away, damnit!"

"Fuck." Soobin breathed out as he stepped forward with Taehyun, and Beomgyu chanting the summoning spell backwards.

Dumah's eyes widened as she watched them fade from the room.

Soobin walked away once they were gone, cussing loudly. As he walked out of the room, he sent a punch into the drywall right by the door frame.

Huening Kai looked dazed as he stared down at his arms that were still in the air from when he was holding Yeonjun. "I let him get away." He whispered as he looked up at Dumah.

"Heuning Kai, none of us knew he would do something like that." Dumah tried saying to comfort him. "This is no one's fault... I never would have thought Yeonjun would take such a risk like that..."

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "Yeonjun would do anything to bring her back... even die." I would do the same as well. He left unsaid as he left the room, needing to go and place the part of soul he had with the rest.

Beomgyu followed after him, feeling defeated. He had no idea what to think or do, he wasn't like Yeonjun, Taehyun, and Huening Kai. Beomgyu wasn't all that skilled when it came to knowing a lot about hell, or demons. He knew the basics that came with the job, but nothing like the others.

Instead of going into Evelyn's room, Beomgyu went after their leader.


Yeonjun just loves going to hell🙄😭

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