Chapter 17

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With her family~

Yeonjun and Taehyun watched Evelyn's family from a distance as they all unloaded from their car. They were all returning from family dinner.

Yeonjun had to turn away for a second as he could see the fact that Evelyn got some of her features from her mother and her little sisters also had looks that reminded him of her. It made his heart squeeze as he thought over the fact that Evelyn had to let them go to save them.

She was so attached to them still, that a piece of her soul was following them around. He saw it as soon as they pulled into their drive.

The piece of her soul hovered just over their heads and went from one family member to the other, and kept going back and forth.

Taehyun sighed as they slipped between two houses that were a short distance from Evelyn's family's new house.

They made sure they stuck to the shadows the setting sun was casting as they headed for their house. They would have to slip in, hopefully unnoticed, grab the fragment, and get back out.

Yeonjun was here to help keep an eye on things just in case one of them took notice of them. Taehyun's job was to get the soul fragment and tie it down to him so they would get it home safely.

This would be the third piece they found. Another step closer.

Taehyun closed his eyes as he tried to locate where in the house the occupants were and where the piece of Evelyn's soul was.

They were either in the kitchen or in their rooms getting ready to settle for the night. Evelyn's soul fragment was just drifting through the house as if trying to keep an eye on all her family members at all times.

"We should wait a little longer until they all fall asleep," Taehyun said as he opened his eyes and turned to Yeonjun to see if he agreed.

Yeonjun nodded as he sent a text to the others, letting them know that they were waiting a bit longer.

It had been a week since Taehyun had returned, the time since he came back was filled with them working to get the demon's activity back down in the area.


"I think know where we should check next for a piece of her soul," Taehyun said as they all sat in the living room eating more takeout.

"Where?" Soobin asked as they all stopped eating.

"We found a part here, with all of you, and then the other with me...? Maybe a piece of her would have gone to her family?" Taehyun explained his thinking.

Beomgyu dropped his spoon, shocked by how simple that explanation was. How had they not thought of this before? Of course, she would be drawn to her family.

"Do we even know where her family lives now?" Huening Kai questioned.

"Yes, they live about three hours away from here," Taehyun said. He had never told any of them, but he had tracked her family down after they had moved, just to check on them for Evelyn. Though, even she didn't know he had done it.

Yeonjun looked over at him, wondering how he knew this.

Taehyun sighed as he explained why he had done it. "I'm sorry if I was in her place, I would want someone to keep an eye on my family."


Yeonjun thought over the fact that Taehyun had done that when even he himself never thought to check on her family.

It made him feel a little bad about how he used to be. Never really caring what she was all going through, he was just wanting to push her away and not worry how hurt she must have been. He had gotten better towards the end, but he felt that it was too late, and he still didn't do enough for her then.

Did I really deserve to try and love her after what I did?

Yeonjun didn't know at the moment, he had been nothing but an ass to her for months when she had done nothing wrong. She was just trying to survive while losing everyone she had loved.

"Yeonjun!" Taehyun whispered yelled, breaking Yeonjun out of his thoughts.

"What?" Yeonjun didn't realize it, but Taehyun had said his name at least four times before he replied.

"They're asleep, we need to start this," Taehyun said giving his friend a look of concern. "Are you alright?"

"I'm good, let's move."

They both moved in sync towards the back door, Taehyun taking only a second to unlock the door with magic.

Once they were in Taehyun pointed towards the hall, letting Yeonjun know the part of her soul should be that way.

They make it to where the bedrooms are in the house, lucky for them all the doors were closed.

Taehyun held his hand up, making Yeonjun stop before he opened one of the doors.

"We should just wait, her soul will more than likely pass through here, looking to go check on someone else in her family."

Taehyun was right, not even a few seconds after he said that the blue light that was part of Evelyn's soul came floating into the hall.

Taehyun rushed towards it as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake anyone up and make this take longer than it should.

He chanted under his breath as he reached out and grabbed the part of her soul, tying it down to him quickly.

"Done, let's get out of here." He said as he walked over to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun placed his hand on his shoulder and teleported them out of the house and out onto the street in front of the house.

They make it back to the car where the others have been waiting for them.

"It would be amazing if all of them were that easy to get," Beomgyu said as they started heading back to the dorm.

Yeonjun reached over and whacked him on the head. "Idiot, don't jinx it."

Beomgyu grumbled under his breath. "Like you believe in stuff like that."

"We can't take any chances anymore, this has been nothing but hell since she came to us. I believe in it now, even just a little bit." Yeonjun replied as he turned to look out the window thinking back over how he had acted for all those months ago.

He was such a dick to her... she was willing to forgive him after all he did... was it just because of the bond that she was willing to forgive him? Or did she really care for him?

I guess I won't know until she's back with us.

All he could do was do better by her and hope she really did care for him after everything. 

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