Chapter 6

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"You're going where?" Soobin stood up from his sit on the couch.

"To where my coven used to live," Taehyun said again not fazed by the look his leader was giving him.

"No," Soobin stepped closer to Taehyun. "You will not be going there."

"Soobin you know I respect you, but I am going." Taehyun wouldn't change his mind now, he felt like there was really something out there waiting for him to find it.

"Then I'll go with you." Soobin replied.

"You can't, there is a risk that there are traps, and only people with the coven's blood in them can get past them."

"And what if you can't? You were banished from there."

Taehyun had already thought this over. There was a risk of that, a risk he would take.

"Any spells that were placed against me would have faded a long time ago when the origial coven leaders died. Any new members wouldn't have remembered me." It wasn't really a lie, Taehyun just wasn't sure if he was right.


"Soobin, Yeonjun has been in hell for days now. Someone has to start doing something too. My coven used to have a spell that could find wondering spirits."

"Why would they make a spell like that?" Beomgyu asked as he floped down on the couch.

"To consume them and take whatever energy they had."

Soobin's eyes widened a little. He used to be a wondering spirit.

"Yeah," Taehyun saw how Soobin reacted. "They would hunt spirits down and consume them, just like a demon. They used black magic." They already knew his coven used black magic, but they never knew humans could consume spirits like that.

"How long will it take for you to get there?" Soobin let his shoulders slump, knowing there was no chaning Taehyun's mind.

"A week at the most. It's been many years since I was last there. The village would be nothing but ruins now."

Soobin really didn't feel right about two of his members leaving, but he knew why they were doing what they were.

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning, my plane leaves at 9am." Taehyun was to worn out to make a portal that far right now.

"Promise me, if things feel even off by a little, you leave there right away? I don't want to lose any of you as well."

Taehyun nodded his head. "Let Yeonjun know when he gets back what I'm doing."

"We will. Do you have a map or anything just in case we need to find you?"

Taehyun reached into his back pocket and pulled out a hand-made copy of the map he had with coordinates.

Soobin looks over the map and tries to figure out where this was without using his phone, but he had no idea, he had never been here before.

"What country is this in?" Soobin looked up from the map to his friend.

"China, Qinling mountains," Taehyun replied shortly, he didn't like talking about his old coven. They had traveled a lot when he was a baby, hiding away from mortals that caught onto what they were. The village where he was banished from was in the Qinling mountains, where his family settled in when he was around 3-4.

Soobin nodded his head as he folded the map up and stuck it in his back pocket. "I don't like the idea of this, but if you feel like this is where you need to go, then I won't stop you."

Everyone knew Taehyun didn't like his past, it was something he never talked about, but once. When they all were put into the same group they all opened up, at least a little about their mortal lives, or what they were before they joined the soul collecting group.

They all had rough pasts and none of them liked to drag them up for no reason.

Taehyun going to where his life was at it's worse, would not be easy for him.

Soobin knew he could handle himself, but he didn't want his friend to be thrown into a dark place. They were all on edge, and have been for a while now. All it takes is one thing to fuck someone up mentally when they are already in a shaky state.

"I really do feel like there will be something there that can help us. I'll be fine, everything that happened there was a long time ago. My people are long gone now." Taehyun knew where his leader's mind was going and he couldn't blame him. He would be in the same place if the roles were reversed.

"I don't doubt how you feel," Soobin said as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's just, we need to be careful. We all want to bring her back, but we can't just throw ourselves away doing it."

Taehyun knew this, but the guilt he felt for not catching the fact the blood was tainted was really eating at him.


Sorry this one is a bit shorter, but I don't know what to keep adding to it. The last 300 words are just me trying to make it longer.

Hope everyone is enjoying it so far.

Does anyone have any good sad songs are like songs that make you want to take on the world? I always need new music, ugh.

And if any of you would like to know what I listen to while I write I can share my playlists here 💛

Hope you're all having a great day/night! Summer is here and idk how I feel about this heat😭

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