Chapter 20

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Beomgyu threw the body of the demon he had just killed down. He was a little short on breath from the weight of the demon's body.

Yeonjun walked in with a human that was possessed by a demon. It seemed that more people were coming up possessed lately.

"We need to figure out where these stronger demons are coming from," Soobin said as he joined them in the warehouse they had chosen as a place to hold the demons in while they did some digging. "Once we know, we can send word to Dumah so she can get some people in hell to find where they are coming through, and stop them."

Yeonjun nodded as he let the man go, the man's body instantly twisting in a way that broke both its legs and arms, and probably even a few vertebrae in its back.

Taehyun froze its movements with magic before it could make a move to attack anyone.

Yeonjun crouched down and placed his hands on either side of the demon's head.

He dug around trying to find where the demon was hiding in the human's mind. He reached out with his power and felt where the demon was. Using his power he grabbed a hold of the demon's presence and pulled it to him.

Once he had the demon held with his powers he pulled out of the human's mind.

As soon as the demon was out of the human, Huening Kai stepped forward and held the demon in place.

Yeonjuns still kept his hold on the demon as he walked closer to it. This demon was unlike the usual lesser demon. This one was as tall as Huening Kai's shoulders, its hair was a deep blue color that fell to its waist. Small horns that only came a few inches off its head were poking straight up, the tips of them a bright orange color. Its bright orange eyes were locked on Yeonjun as its lips pulled into a grin. Its body was completely bare, making everyone try and keep their eyes on its face or the air right above its head.

Huening Kai was regretting being the one to help make sure it didn't get away.

"Who do you work for?" Yeonjun asked the female-looking demon.

"I'll tell you... if I can get a kiss from you." It said as it let its split tongue slips out and runs over its bottom lip.

A succubus. Yeonjun thought as he curled his lips in disgust.

"Tell me, or I'll rip your horns off your head and shove them into your eyes.:" Yeonjun growled out. He always hated succubus demons, they were the lowest demon forms to him.

"Oh, sounds exciting." It tries to say in a seductive way.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes as he stalked forward grabbing onto one of it's horns. "Willing to speak now?" He questioned as the demon let out a squeal of pain when he yanked its head down by the horn in his hands.

"You wouldn't dare!" It screeched out trying to fight against his powers that were keeping it in place. "I'll rip your throat out."

"I'd like to see you try." He said as he gripped the horn tighter. "One... Two... Th-"

"Wait! I'll talk!" It yelled out franticly as it realized Yeonjun wasn't bluffing.


"Astaroth sent me and others here!"

Yeonjun looked up to meet Huening Kai's eyes.

Yeonjun jerked the demon's head back so he could look into its eyes. He let his eyes shift into their natural color. He watched as the demon gulped, finally realizing who it was really messing with. "Why is she sending you all here? What does she need from humans?"

It didn't really click as to why Astaroth would be sending her succubus' here to possess humans. Succubus were meant to seduce people into selling their souls to them or their masters...

Heaven and hell both had people watching over that department. Yeonjun and his members were only meant to deal with demons that were not in the line of seducing people. He made sure that was clear when he started this job.

"So many questions... what do I get in return if I keep answering them?" The demon tried once more to try and seduce one of them, its eyes scanning all their faces that it could see.

Taehyun looked her dead in the eye and scrunched his nose at her showing just how unappealing she was to them.

Taehyun raised his hand, causing the demon to screech in pain from whatever he was doing to her with his magic.

"Stop playing games, that will not work with any of us here. Explain to us as to why your mistress is sending you to fully possess humans, that is not your usual line of work."

Taehyun released the demon from his magic, leaving it growling in anger at how weak it was in their presence.

"She didn't give details, just something involving a fallen angel." The demon spit out.

Yeonjun grabbed a hold of its horn again, bringing his face close to the demon's face. "What about the fallen angel?"

"I'm not sure! We were just told to possess humans in this area and report to her when we met the fallen angel."

Yeonjun let go of the demon's horn harshly making its head sling back almost hitting Heuning Kai in the chest.

"What the hell could she want with you?" Soobin asked Yeonjun quietly.

"I'm not sure... I don't ever recall meeting a demon that goes by that name." Yeonjun racked his brain trying to bring any memory of the name Astaroth forward. "I've only met a few succubus since I fell, none of them ever stood out... and I killed all but one of them."

"Did you...?" Soobin didn't want to outright ask what was on his mind.

"Hell no!" Yeonjun whispered yelled. He may have been a terrible person, but he was no whore.

"Okay, good... but that just makes this more confusing." Soobin pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a stressed breath from his mouth. 

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