Chapter 12

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Soobin was standing over Yeonjun's sleeping body.

Soobin needed his help to get the fragment of Evelyn's soul back into the living world.

"Yeonjun!!" He tried yelling. He knew his yelling would sound like a whisper to anyone in the living realm.

Soobin's eyes go to the nightstand by Yeonjun's bed. There was a glass of water.

Soobin took one hand away from the soul fragment he was holding and hit the glass so hard it flew into the wall by Yeonjun's door.

The sound of the glass shattering made Yeonjun jump awake.

His hazy eyes scanned the room, trying to find out what had caused the sound. It took him a little too long to take notice of Soobin's spirit.

"Soobin, why are you in your spirit form?" Yeonjun asked his voice thick with sleep as he rubbed his eyes.

"I'll explain more later, right now I need to get back into my body... I have part of Evelyn's soul."

That made Yeonjun drop his hands right away and snap his eyes open.

He finally took notice of the faint blue light that was being held to Soobin's chest.

"I...How?" Yeonjun asked as he stood up, his heart racing.

"I don't know, I just woke up here and found it..." Soobin really didn't know how it happened, but he had a feeling this was all Evelyn's doing. She somehow pulled Soobin here. She was trying to get back to them.

Yeonjun rubbed his eyes quickly again, trying to make sure any trace of sleep was gone from his body and mind.

"Let's get back to your body, we need to get you back to the living realm as quickly as we can." Yeonjun said, he had a bit of fear that Evelyn's soul fragment would slip away from them.

This was hard for him to really believe that this was even real, a part of him was convinced this was nothing more than a dream... a very bad dream that was going to make his heart hurt when he woke up and was thrown back into the real world, where this wasn't happening.

Yeonjun kept his eyes locked on Soobin's slightly transparent body. He could see the faint glow of the piece of Evelyn's soul.

He reached over and pinched himself on the arm, feeling the sting made him almost stop in his tracks. He really didn't want to get his hopes up and this all turned out to be a dream, he wasn't sure how he would handle that.

Soobin turned to Yeonjun once they made it into his room. "You know what to do." Soobin said while holding the dull blue ball of light out for Yeonjun to hold.

Yeonjun took a deep breath and felt a small shift in him as he let parts of his natural form come out so he could grab ahold of the soul fragment.

Soobin needed Yeonjun to hold onto the soul as he crossed over. He couldn't pass over into the living realm with a soul, but he could pass it over into the living realm to Yeonjun.

As soon as Soobin was back in his body, he got up as quickly as he could. He was also still shocked by what was going on.

"We actually have a piece of her soul..." Soobin said he felt the back of his throat burn as it really hit him.

Yeonjun felt more than the burn of emotions in the back of his throat, his eyes also burned as tears filled them. The warmth of the part of Evelyn's soul made it really sink in for Yeonjun.

"What do we do now?" Yeonjun asked as he remembered that Taehyun was gone, he was the one that would know how to store the fragment for now.

Soobin took in a breath and ran a hand through his hair. He had no idea what to do. "I'll try and call Taehyun, just don't let the fragment go."

Yeonjun watched as Soobin walked out the door, hand still in his hair as he pulled his phone out.

Yeonjun sat down slowly on Soobin's bed, his eyes watering up again.

"You found a way to get to us..." He whispered as he closed his eyes. He couldn't believe he was actually holding a part of her soul. She was closer to coming back to them.

"I'm sorry I drug you into our world and didn't keep you safe... I won't let anything happen to you again once I get you back..." Yeonjun blinked the tears away, not wanting to let them fall. "Even if you don't love me like you did before, I will always be here for you, no matter what. Like I've always said, heaven, hell, or earth. I will always come when you need me." Yeonjun really did hope that Evelyn still loved him, if she didn't. It would hurt, but he would give love up, just to have her back in his life in any way.

Soobin walks back in shaking his head. "I can't get a call to go through, Taehyun had said his phone may not work well where he is..."

"Wake Huneing Kai, have him go to Dumah and ask for her help." That was all Yeonjun could think of right now since Taehyun was out of their reach.

"Right, I don't know why I didn't think of that." Soobin turned right back around with long strides.

A few minutes later Huening Kai came rushing in, his hair sticking up in random places.

The angel's eyes widened as he saw the small blue ball of light.

His hand covered his mouth as he walked closer. "It's really her." Huneing Kai, stretched his hand out to brush a finger over the edge of the soul fragment.

"We can stare later, we need to get it tied down to something before she somehow slips away again." Yeonjun said softly, he knew they were just as shocked and happy as he was, but they didn't have the time right now. He was far too scared to even shift his arms in the slightest way, worried she would slip away from them.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." Huening Kai was gone in an instant.

Soobin took a seat next to Yeonjun and just stared at the wall in front of him.

"Dumah never said how many fragments of her soul were out there..."

"We'll just ask her when she comes." Yeonjun replied, he did worry a bit if there were many pieces out there, that it would take them long to find them all. 

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