Chapter 13

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Teahuyn has been wandering around his old village for most of the day. Just poking through the ruins of old houses. So far nothing has shown to be helpful, just a few old family heirlooms that meant nothing to him. They were all forged or laced with dark magic.

The sun was setting now and he knew, he had to find shelter for the night.

Taehyun let out a sigh as he had been looking through all the ruins of what used to be his village. Childhood memories kept popping up in the back of his mind, some making it to the front part, bothering him. It was all so long ago, yet it all felt like it was just months ago that this had all happened.

He took a deep breath and pushed the thought of Alse away, he was here for Evelyn, not his old friend.

He kept checking his phone, but nothing was working. He had no signal at all. He was worried about his members, he had never been without hearing from at least one of them for longer than a few hours since they really got into their job.

He paced the barrier of the village, wondering if he should stay the night in the village or outside of it. He really didn't believe that anyone was still around here, there wasn't really any traces of someone being here recently.

He decided that he would stay in the barrier, just to be sure about his thoughts.

He did need to contact his members though, just to let them know he was still well, and to check on them.

Taehyun knew how to send a message with magic, he would need to open a sort of portal, just a small one, for vocal use. He just hoped someone would be home.

He took a seat in the middle of the village square where a well used to be. The rocks that lined the top of it, had fallen down and covered the deep hole a long time ago.

He took his bag off and set it by his side, dusting his hands off, he opened the bag and pulled out his old grammaire, one he had made himself. Filled with random spells he had picked up over the years, or ones he had modified from dark magic spells on his own.

He flipped a few pages in and glanced over the spell he had used only a handful of times. He took a deep breath, the fresh mountain air made him feel whole for a few seconds. It had been far too long since he had been this deep in nature. Living in the city was great and was needed for his job, but his soul always craved to be like this. No humans, cars, or tall buildings for many miles. Just nature.

His powers felt as strong as ever, never seeming to drain as he was here, there was too much nature for it to dip down, unlike when he was in the city.

If he could stay here once Evelyn was back, he would but, he loved his members, and loved helping save innocent souls.

He snapped the book shut and put it back in his bag. He straightens his back and closes his eyes as he thinks about the dorm and the people living there.

The portal wasn't a visible one, it was just a mental one. Just perfect for talking, like a magic phone.

He picked up on all his member's presence within the dorm, meaning he would be able to talk to all of them if needed.


Taehyun waited a moment as he felt Soobin trying to figure out what was going on, it had been a long time since Taehyun had used this with his members, most probably didn't remember  what it felt like.


Taehyun couldn't help but laugh to himself a little at how uncertain his leader sounded.

"It's really me, Soobin. Do you recall the vocal portal spell I made?"

"Ah! I thought I was going insane for a second there."  Taehyun could envision Soobin lightly facepalming with a goofy grin.

"I was just wanting to check in, my phone is still not working."

"I'm glad you... called...? Anyways, we have a piece of Evelyn's soul!"

Taehyun reeled back a little at the news, they found a piece of her soul...? He couldn't help but smile at the thought that she was really going to come back to them.

"That's amazing! You can give me details when I get back. I just wanted to let you all know I was still alive and well, I haven't found anything yet."

"I know you'll find something, your instincts led you there for a reason."

"You're right." Taehyun sighed, he was here for a reason. He just wanted the reason to show up sooner so he could get back home and help get things moving with finding the rest of Evelyn's soul.

"I have to go, Dumah is here to help us tie the piece of her down."

"Right, forgot you have no way of doing that while I'm away..." Taehyun never expected them to find anything while he was away so he didn't make a plan for them if it did happen. "Sorry, I didn't think to make a plan for you all before I left."

"It's okay Taehyun, we got this. You don't have to do everything on your own."

"You're right. I'll try and contact you again tomorrow."

"Bye, Taehyun."

Taehyun bid his leader goodbye and dropped the spell.

He leans back on his hands and tilts his head back, looking up at the part of the sky he could see through the treetops. The stars here were so bright. They littered the sky so thickly that he could hardly find a dark and blank spot.

He wanted to bring his members here, just to have them see how beautiful nature was here. He knew Evelyn and Huening Kai would really enjoy it here.

Can't believe they actually found a piece of her soul.

He smiled widely as his heart warmed up a little and the stress in his muscles eased slightly. A part of him feared they would never find a fragment of her soul, but they had one.

He was so ready to see Evelyn smile again, give her a hug, laugh with her as she messed up in training, and cook while goofing around as they cooked together.

Taehyun loved Evelyn, but not the same love Yeonjun had for her. It was a love that felt deeper than family to Taehyun. He had no romantic intentions, he just knew there was some kind of connection between them. She reminded him so much of Alse, that he couldn't shake it off. Being back home brought more memories up, and made him see more of Alse in Evelyn.

They were both fighters, they both stuck to what they wanted in life, they both gave their lives up for the ones they loved... and much more. 

Taehyun bit his lip as he thought over how he had let Alse and Evelyn down. Two very close friends lost to him and wasn't he able to stop it.

Just like the others, he had seen Evelyn through Yeonjun's eyes. She had fought until she couldn't anymore... Much like Alse's last moments on this earth.

"Why?" He asked the sky. "Why must you keep doing this to me?" The only people he knew he would never lose, were his members. They may 'die', but not for long with the deal they have with their jobs.

His family banished him because of what magic he was born with, the only person from his past who even cared was snatched away from him years later. Then he lets a new person in that made him think of Alse after so many years of blocking her face and name from his mind. She was taken as well.

Taehyun lay down on the grass and put his hands under his head as he kept his eyes locked on the stars.

Alse was up there somewhere, he knew she would be among the stars. She always loved gazing at them when they were young.

I miss you so much...

He thought to both his friends that were taken from him. He just had hope that he would see one of them again.

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