Chapter 66

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I take a deep breath in as I open my eyes. The mental part of this task was done, now on to the soul part. Of course I saved the hardest for last.

There was a chance this could all go wrong. I could tear my own soul apart, or even open it up and let Andromalius take control of more of it.

I would rather the first if this were to go wrong.

This was something I have been working towards for months now. All my training wasn't just physical, it was mental as well. And yet, I felt like I didn't even know where to start.

Tilting my head back, I take in the sight of the ceiling that had holes in it. I sat under one of the bigger ones, letting the sunlight that seeped through the hole warm the top of my head.

"I hope this works." I say to the empty building. I hoped I wasn't about to fuck up and end up just like this place. An empty shell that was long forgotten just rotting away with time.

I shivered as my thoughts went dark for a moment.

I was the last person alive that really cared that my family was gone. Everyone thought they passed in a tragic accident. I knew though, I knew what had happened. I was the reason they were hunted and killed like pray.

Maybe this will be the end of me. It would be a fitting end. Finally taken out, by my own hand as well.

I bit my lip as my throat burned. Maybe I should just tear my own soul apart and be done. Leave this world behind before I have another persons blood on my hands.

"You will have one last persons blood on your hands. You will avenge your family." Rerek whispered to me.

I close my eyes and take a long hard breath through my nose. "I will... I will rip that demon to sherds."

When my eyes opened again, my right hand was covered in red smoke. This was going to hurt.

If what Rerek told me was true. I was about to feel as if I was shredding my own insides. I don't think I was really ready for this, but I had already started. I needed to cut off any connection Andromalius had with me.

"Here goes nothing." I say as I tilt my head back and bring my hand to my chest. I then let my eyes slip shut as I visualize what I needed my smoke to do.

I needed it to seep into my body. Not just the surface, no. I needed to dig into my very being. I needed to find my soul, what made me. I needed to dig deeper then my bones, deeper then my own mind and darkest thoughts.

I could feel my smoke leech into my chest where my hand rested. It was an odd sensation. It felt like warm little burst of air inside my chest as it moved around. I breath in as I will the smoke to enter my very bones. To cover ever inch of me.

I focus on what my smoke was feeling. I needed to find anything that felt foreign, that felt off.

I took in the feel of my own self, reminding myself that I needed to be able to tell the smallest of differences between my soul and what Andromalius had placed in it.

He has had his claws in me so long, my soul may have started to merge with his powers.

My eyes open as I feel it. The thing that made me. My soul. I pictured it the was the others had told me when I was nothing more then a few light blue balls of light.

I send all my smoke to where my soul rested. It was in me, yet wasn't. It was a breath in the universe that was me. It was tethered to my physical body, but it was not physical in itself. It wasn't like an organ that you could just cut someone open and see.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now