Chapter 35

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"I swear when will I ever get away from you?" Rerek's voice said out of nowhere.

"I guess never," I replied mentally. "So, does this mean my soul is repaired?"

"Still as stupid as before. Of course, this means your soul is fixed!"

I was sure I heard the demon sigh somewhere in the back of my mind.

"Then why the hell am I not waking up?"

"Because we have company." This time I could hear actual anger in his voice.

As if he was waiting for his cue, Andromalius' form showed up in my mind.

"Bastard," Rerek growled out.

"What the hell do you want now?" I ask the demon as I feel him pulling me fully into my mind.

I jerk back and take a few steps away from him once his hold on me broke. 

"I told you, 'I would see you on the other side'. Did you really think I would stay in that pit and leave you all alone? Not after what your lover did to my demons."

He started taking long strides toward me but then pulled up short. His hands shooting up to his neck.

"You really thought you could just come in here and act as if you had all the power?" Rerek asked as his shadow form appeared in front of Andromalius, his arm made of smoke had a grip on the demon lords neck.

My eyes widened at the fact that Rerek jumped to my defense so easily.

"Don't think I like you human, my powers that were in your soul are yours now. This is your subconcussions controlling me."

My mouth formed an 'o' as I thought over his words, then it snapped shut. "I'm immortal?!"

"So stupid. Do I have to spell it all out to you?" Rerek asked as he suddenly picked Andromalius up by his throat and threw him down on his back. "What you really need to know, is once you're awake you will have to fight Andromalius off mentally. You have to beat him down until his presence in you becomes too weak to hold onto you."

I nod my head as I watch Andromalius' form fade away.

Rerek's smoke form turns to me, his red eyes digging into mine. "Just like when you came back to life as a mortal, he will do as I tried with you. He will try and manipulate your mind, try making you do things you don't want to do. It will take time to beat him down, this is not something that can happen in a day. Just always keep your guard up."

It was crazy to think Rerek was standing here giving me advice.

"Sadly I'm stuck with you until your immortal life somehow ends- knowing you, it will never end." It really did seem like he just rolled his eyes. "I want to try and make my stay here as comfortable as possible... and please, try and keep all mushy thoughts away from my corner."

"Got it." I nod my head with a smile, the way things were going was funny. A great demon of chaos was begging me to keep my 'mushy' thoughts to myself. "I'll do my best."

I opened my mouth to ask him about how to get myself to wake up, and then I thought of what had happened to me before I was returned to my body.

"You can't fight these feelings of fear easily, they are etched into your soul. You will have to just keep reminding yourself that this is all real, and fight Andromalius off when you feel him trying to play with your mind. You're immortal, you have so much more control than you had before. And to toot my own horn, you have my powers to aid you."

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now