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Preface of a book I'm thinking about writing after Fractured is finished.

I just wanted to get your thoughts on the first part.

This will more than likely be a Sunoo, Felix or Han Jisung ff. Not sure about the male lead yet😅

The Note of Life~ Part 1

Sobs echoed out into the early morning light. Sobs that no one heard.

The stars were being chased away slowly by the sun as it rose over the city. It was about time for everyone to wake and start another day of life. Some of their days would be filled with laughter, others with dread for having to endure another day in hell that their life had become.

All but Elise's. Her life was going to end up on the ledge of her apartment building.

"Why?" She asked the last few blinks stars. "Why have you taken everything from me? What have I done to be pushed to the point I don't even want to live anymore?"

And then the sobs started again. She pushed her glasses up as she wiped angerly at her tears that would just not stop no matter how hard she fought them.

"You've taken everything I had, yet the world still wants me to keep living? Like I could go on without them. They were all I had! Why didn't you take me instead?"

"If you're not dead, then it wasn't your time."

Elise jumps as she hears someone speak from behind her. She grabs the railing that was pressed into her back and turns her head. "Who are you? And what are you doing up here?"

"My name doesn't matter right now, what matters is you get back over that railing. Let's talk about what's going on?" The man said as he reached a hand out and stepped closer.

"No, I'm tired of talking about my 'trauma', it does nothing but keep the wounds open and bleeding."

"I promise, I'm not here to give you a free therapy session and give you generic advise."

"Just go, and forget that you even saw me up here. You won't hurt over my passing."

"Who says so?"

"You don't know me, how can you mourn someone you don't know?"

"Let me get to know you then?"

Elise snaps her head around and glares deep into the mans hazel eyes. "No, you don't care to get to know me, no one ever does. They want to hear about my shit life and use it against me. They always do..."

"Not this time... How about I start? Tell you why I was where you are standing once, feeling just like you..."

"If you really felt as bad as I do right now, you wouldn't be here anymore."

"Just like I have no idea what you're going through, you have no idea what I went through..."

"You're right... You don't know, so just leave and let me do as I please. It's my life, I can end it if I want."

"I'm not leaving you there on that ledge."

Elise bites her lip and cusses under her breath. The world wouldn't even let her go in peace.

She let's go of the railing and lets her body lean forward.

"Let go!" She yells as she felt herself getting yanked back into the railing.


Her eyes widen as the man as able to pick her up over the railing and set her back down on the safe part of the roof.

"You fucker! Just let me do what I want!" She screams as she rushes toward the railing once more.

"No!" He yells back as he grabs the collar of her hoodie and pulls her back into his chest. "Why are you so adamant on taking your life?" He asked as he held her tight as she fought against him.

"I have no one left... they all died." Elise stopped fighting as her knees grew weak. "Their all gone."

Sobs echoed out into the crisp morning air, this time though. Someone was there to listen to them.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now