Chapter 28

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Huening Kai stepped away from Yeonjun, as Yeonjun teleporting them here was the easiest way for Huening Kai to get here.

Huening Kai's eyes scanned the landscape...

He knew hell was an ugly place from stuff he had heard and seen, but he never knew it was this dim and dark... or that it smelled so bad.

Huening Kai jumped a little as he heard a screech. A group of small lesser demons about the size of small dogs were scurrying away from them. Huening Kai's presence must have scared them off.

He turned to face Yeonjun, wanting to ask which way they needed to head, only to come up short. Yeonjun had already changed into his natural form.

Huening Kai had seen him like this a few times, but he didn't recall his wings having red on them as well. "Yeonjun... why are there red feathers in your wings now?"

Yeonjun brought his wings around for him to look at. "Because I slaughtered all of Andromalius' minions." He replied with a small shrug, not bothered by the red feathers that now dusted his mostly white wings.

Huening Kai also took notice that the black had spread up further as well.

"Come on," Yeonjun said as he walked past Huening Kai, tucking his wings back close to his back.

Huening Kai said nothing as he followed close behind his friend. Any lesser demons they passed hurried away or hid behind rocks that were near them.

Just like this was Huening Kai's first time here, this was probably the first time any of them had ever seen an angel.

"I think other than Andromalius, we'll only have to worry if any higher-ranking demons are here."

"Aren't a few of Andromalius' sons down here as well?" Huening Kai asked as he watched a human-sized demon back away slowly, its black sharp teeth bared in a snarl.

"They would be very stupid if they even tried to come near me after what happened."

Huening Kai looked at the back of Yeonjun's head, he was able to feel the anger washing off of him.

After walking for a while Yeonjun brings his hand up to stop Huening Kai.

They both looked down into a hole, the mouth of it about as wide as a decent-sized swimming pool. Huening Kai squinted his eyes, trying to make anything out in the hole, but it was too dark. It was like the darkness in the hole absorbed any light that touched it.

"This is where Andromalius should be. If we're lucky he is still locked up in the chains that were used to drag him down here, either way. He can't escape out of this hole."

Huening Kai took a breath as his eyes stayed locked on the darkness they were about to jump into.

He took a step back and brought his eyes up, looking off into the distance. He let the breath he was holding out and stepped back next to Yeonjun, ready to get this moving. Huening Kai rolled his shoulders and let his wings come out, knowing he would need them on the way down.

"Let's get this done with it," Yeonjun said and gave Huening Kai a firm pat on his shoulder.

Nothing else was said as they stepped into the open air, free-falling. They couldn't see anything at all for what felt like a few minutes of falling, but then Huening Kai looked down and saw reddish-orange light growing fast as they fell towards it.

Right before they hit the fire that was at the bottom of the fire. They both flared their wings out and stopped a few feet above the fire.

"Over there," Yeonjun called out to Huening Kai.

There was a bit of rock jutting out over some of the fire in the cave opposite of where they were.

They both landed on the rock and tucked their wings back closer to their backs.

"I'm guessing since this is the only opening, this is the way we go?"

Yeonjun hummed a reply and started walking down the only pathway that was down here.

The corridor in the cave was small, their wings brushed the walls on both sides, and they also had to keep their heads bowed down a bit as they walked.

Once again after a few minutes, more light was seen at the end of the tunnel. This light was different, it was silver. The light that was coming down the tunnel and hitting the rocks of the floor, ceiling, and walls, looked almost like liquid. As if there was water at the end and there was moonlight hitting it, but Huening Kai knew better than to even think there was a drop of water down here. Water that was drinkable that was.

As they got even closer Huening Kai slowed his pace as he heard something odd, like the sound of a plane rushing by in the distance.

"What's that sound?" He asked Yeonjun as he caught back up to him.

"The people that have been cast down here, they're burning in the fire that's at the end of this tunnel."

Huening Kai swallowed thickly as they came out of the tunnel and stood on a rock that stuck out over blue-silver fire?

Huening Kai had never seen fire that color. What was even more odd about the fire, was there was no heat, but the creatures that had been thrown into the fire screamed as if it was hot.

"Why can't we feel any heat?"

"You can't feel the heat unless you fall into the fire, so don't do that," Yeonjun replied dryly.

Huening Kai's stomach churned as he looked over the outlines of humans and demons that had been placed here for their betrayal... He knew there was evil in this world, he was an angel after all... but seeing this all firsthand, made him question how people could be so evil to end up here.

"There's Andromalius..." Yeonjun said his eyes on the far right wall where a bit of more rocks stuck out of the wall.

Andromalius sat there, his legs crossed under him, his arms laid out across them. It looked like he was just sitting there meditating. In reality, he was trying to stay locked in his mind to not feel his skin heal just to burn right back off.

Yeonjun watched as it happened. Even though he wasn't in the fire, his skin would burn, his feathers, his hair. Every inch of him would burn even though there were no visible flames touching him. He would then heal for a few seconds before it happened again.

Huening Kai felt his blood boil as he saw the demon that had caused so much chaos in their lives. 

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