Chapter 72

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My eyes scan the many books that lined the selves around me. I needed more books that may help me in finding something, anything at all to help me.

"The store will be closing in 10 minutes, please make your way to check out."

I sigh and run my hand down my face as I had not found anything that maybe useful.

"Do you need help finding anything ma'am?"

I turn my head and offer the young worker a soft smile. "I'm not sure. I'm looking for any books that may have information on old demons..." I clear my throat, "for a school project." I add with a wave of my hand.

The teenage looking boy nods his head. "We have a few, but may I ask what you're looking for in particular?"

"I'm looking for..." I trail off as I feel something run down my spine. "Actually, I'll just come back tomorrow." I say quickly and as casually as I could.

"No problem, have a good day."

I nod and turn to head for the door but, I was met with an older looking female.

My hand goes to the back of my belt, my fingers curling around the hilt of a dagger I carry with me.

"Sorry, I was just leaving." I say with a thin lipped smile.

I turn my head just enough to look over my shoulder to make sure the boy had left. When I see that he had, I pull the dagger from my belt and hold it at my side.

"I don't really want to fight you in a book store with humans around." I say to the demon as I let my smoke curl around my fingers and slither down the blade of my dagger. "You know, don't want to damage any of the books and I don't really feel like dealing with a human freaking out."

The demon says nothing as it's lips curl up into a smirk, one that made the older woman's face twist uncomfortably. "You're looking for information on Andromalius?"

My eyes narrow as I tighten my hold on my dagger. "What do you want?" I was not going to give out any information just in case this demon was here for Andromalius, either way no demon was trust worthy.

"To offer you a book that will contain the information you seek." The demon shrugged it's shoulder.

"Demon's always want something in return."

"We will be closing in 5 minutes, please make your way to check out."

"I don't want anything, I'm here by orders of my boss."

I shift my feet apart a little getting ready to grab the demon and get us both out of here before a human found us.

"Who is your boss?"

"Can't say just yet but, know if you kill me he will just send another in my place. He has what you're looking for."

"Tell him when you get back there, to leave me alone. I don't want any help from a demon." I lunge for the demon, taking us right out behind the store, next to where the dumpsters were. "Demon's are vile and only help themselves." I add as I sink the dagger deep into the demons chest.

The demon burst into ash instantly.

I step back and shake my head. "Why take on an old lady's body...?" My heart felt tight as my mind went to the thought that the old lady may have been that kids family before the demon took her body. "Low life bastards."

I tuck my dagger away and start to make my way home. I could be there in the blink of an eye but, I felt as I needed some fresh air and time to think.

What higher up demon wanted to help me?

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now