Chapter 42

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I had a smile on my face as I wrapped my hands up, ready to have a go at the sandbag.

I had finally bugged Taehyun and Yeonjun enough to let me come to the training room and at least work on the punching bag a little.

Yeonjun sat on the bench and just watched.

"Now, since you're still learning to control your new immortal powers. Just think as if you're giving the bag a light tap." Taehyun said from behind the bag.

"Light tap. Got it." I nod as I get into place and bring my arms up. I felt happy to be back up and being able to do things. I was so ready to be out there helping others fight demons. Before when I was human I didn't think I would be willing to do their job, but now that I'm back. I want to help them as much as I could. I wanted to feel as if I was paying them back just a little for what all they did for me. 

I take a deep breath in and send a 'tap' into the bag.

My eyes widen as I hear a grunt of pain come from Taehyun, and watch as sand comes pouring out of the bag.

"That was not a tap," Yeonjun commented with a laugh as he walked over to us.

"I'm sorry," I say to Taehyun as he walks around the bag to look at the damage I had caused.

"It's okay, we have a full stock of them in the storage room," Taehyun replied as he patted my head.

"I really was thinking of just tapping it lightly though..."

"Don't stress it. It'll take you time to figure it all out. Right now your body is going all out, soon you'll learn to dial it down." Yeonjun said as he took down the broken bag and set it in the corner.

Taehyun left the room, probably to get the new bag.

"Throw a punch at my hand," Yeonjun said out of nowhere as he made it back over to where I was standing.

"What?" I ask as my eyes widen a little.

"You heard me." He replied with a smirk.

"What if I hurt you?" I step back a little, biting at my bottom lip.

"Please, I think I can handle a little punch. You can't be that strong." He rolled his eyes as his lips pulled up even more as he saw my eyes narrow at him.

"You're just trying to push my buttons, aren't you?"

"I'm just stating facts, you're still a very small person. No way you can be that strong. That bag was just worn down."

I shake my hands out as I walk over to him. "Don't whine when it actually hurts."

He raised a brow as he brought his right hand up. "Right."

I throw a punch into his hand, feeling a little bad as he snatches it away and into his chest. I also felt good about it. He wanted to act cocky, and he got put into his place.

"That didn't hurt at all." He said, his voice sounding a little strained.

"Really? Why are you cradling it then?"

"I...It's just a little cold." He lied causing me to roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say, Yeonjun." I laugh as he sticks his tongue out at me.

Taehyun comes back with a new bag, but he tells me to wait a bit as he tries to think of a way to keep me from breaking it right away.

"I can always wait until I get a little more control. I'm sure Yeonjun wouldn't mind helping me practice?" I turn to the fallen angel with a smile.

"I think we should stick with the bag, I'll buy more if I have to." He replied right away.

Taehyun smirked, letting me know he had heard what had happened while he was gone.

"I'll just place a strengthening spell on the bag, that should make it more durable."

I nodded as I watched him turn to the back. Not only could I see his magic, I could feel it in the air. Like a little ripple in the air, just a subtle change that I knew I would have never picked up if I was still human.

"Wait, what am I exactly?" I ask as it clicked I wasn't really in a category like the others were.

"What are you talking about?" Yeonjun asked confused.

"I mean, you're a fallen angel, Taehyun is a sorcerer, Huening Kai is a angel, Soobin is a ghost, and Beomgyu is a water nymph. What do I fall under?"

Taehyun hummed as he thought it over. "I don't really know... I mean, just a human that is now immortal...?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"The first one if I'm right," Yeonjun added with a small smile.

I nod as I think it over, it really wasn't a deal to me for me to have a label as to what I technically was. I was alive and stronger. That was all that mattered.

"Let's get back to it then." I say now that the punching bag was protected by Taehyun's magic.

I throw a punch, smiling as the bag didn't break this time around.

Taehyun stopped its swinging and stepped behind it again to help keep it steady. "Just because it can handle your full strength doesn't mean you don't need to try and dial it down. We need to get you to where you can control your strength at will."

"I understand." I reply as I take a breath and throw a punch, willing myself to try and throw a light punch.

After a while, Taehyun was no longer letting out sounds of protest from me hitting the bag to hard, letting me know I was starting to gain more control. 


Shorter then usual, but can't manage long chapters all the time lol

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