Chapter 10

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Taehyun was forced to stand in front of his mother as the rest of the village gathered around them in a tight circle.

Everyone wanted to see the son of one of their most powerful members gain his magic, or fail.

Many wanted him to fail, they never liked the idea of this child that was conceived outside of their own people.

Taehyun's mother didn't show it, but she was concerned for her son. She was the one that had set him up for this messed up life. She hoped he would easily pick up the dark magic and prove to the village he was no mistake.

Alse stood by her mother and gripped at her skirt, her heart was racing as she waited with batted breaths. This could end her friendship with Taehyun... He could be thrown out or killed today.

Taehyun held back a flinch as his mother killed a big cat she had sent a few of the men to catch. She needed something more than a small animal to perform this.

Its blood streamed so quickly from its now open neck into a bowel that was placed under it.

Taehyun could taste the blood in the air, the copper taste making him want to gag, but he kept a straight face. He had to or he would lose it.

His mother chanted as she let the rest of the blood drain from the mountain cat's body.

Taehyun could feel the dark magic that started to gather in the air around him.

His heart started to race as it kept getting stronger, he could almost swear he was actually able to see the dark magic.

"Ready?" His mother cut her chanting long enough to ask him.

He wasn't, he would never be ready to accept that type of magic.

She started her chanting back up, not waiting for a response. Her voice kept getting raising in volume, to the point she might as well be screaming.

"Stop!" Taehyun said just as his mother raised her hands toward him.

Her eyes narrowed as she held the magic in its place. "Stop being scared, nothing will happen."

"No, I don't want to use dark magic." He said as he straightened his back, he knew in his heart if he let his mother do this. He would lose who he was and the magic he was blessed with at birth.

"Taehyun." His mother said through her teeth, a vein popping in her forehead as she stared him down.

"I have my own magic!" Taehyun exclaimed before he really thought about a different excuse.

Alse gasped and gripped her mother's skirt harder.

"Did you know about this?" Her mother asked her in a harsh whisper.

Alse didn't know what to say, lucky for her, her mother turned back to face Taehyun.

"What do you mean you have your magic?" One of the elders asked as she stepped forward.

Taehyun gulped as he realized he had really messed up.

"Show us, now." His mother demanded.

Taehyun brought up a shaky hand and easily sprouted a flower in his hand.

Everyone gasped and took a step back, but his stepfather.

He glared at Taehyun as if he had just attacked him. In a way, Taehyun knew he just attacked his mother's honor, and there for his as well.

"You bastard child!" He yelled as he stalked forward.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now