Chapter 78

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Meeting pt2~

When we make it to where we would all be staying, it was a mess of yells and hugs being thrown around every where. I even ended up in a few hugs, not knowing what else to do I match their energy and hug them back with shouts of greetings.

Once we all had seemed to calm down a good bit, Soobin went on to interduce me to everyone.

I had been right in thinking they would all be drop dead handsome. I wanted to know what the hell they ate to look so good.

My eyes go to Tiswan as we all take up seats around the good sized dinning table. She was just as striking as the rest of them. If her chin length fire red hair wasn't eye catching enough, her eyes definitely were. Her eye were a deep violet color and when she caught my gaze I could see bits of black swirling around in her irises.

"So, I hear you have a nice smoke trick you can do?" Jake asked as he flexed his own power by lighting the candles around the table. His eyes a light with flames of their own.

I snort out a laugh as I nod my head. "Yeah, I 'have a nice smoke trick I can do'." I say as I let a sliver of smoke form in my hands before I send it zipping around the table, putting out the candles he had lit. His eyes were wide, lips parted as he watched. His eyes follow the smoke back to my open hand, once the smoke was gone he meets my gaze once more and laughs.

"I deserved that." He admitted while lighting the candles once more.

"What is it like having a demon in your head?" Ni-ki asked from a few seats down on my right.

"I don't think about it to deeply... Rerek and I have a friendship of sorts. He helps me out sometimes, gives me advice, and then sometimes just straight up annoys the heck out of me."

They all make some kind of response as they start to pile their plates with food.

For a while after that it was silent save for a few of them chatting here and there. I decide after twenty minutes of Tiswan not speaking, I would try and start a conversation with her.

"How long have you been a soul collector?" I ask the fire haired demon.

She stops mid chew, her eyes slightly wide. "About 50 years now." She replied after shallowing her food. "And you, you've just joined this year?"

"Yeah, I'm still kind of fresh to it all." I nod my head as I scoot some food around my plate.

"She's the newest one here, but I bet she could best everyone at this table." Yeonjun commented from next to me.

I jerk my head around and swat his arm. "Shut up!" I ground out through my teeth as my cheeks grew warm.

"We'll have to test that out later." Jay said with a slight smirk before shoving food into his mouth. "I think you're just biased." He continued around the pork in his mouth.

"Oh, I am biased but, I'm also telling the truth. She gives me a run for my money all the time."

"Let's stop talking about me, I would like to see some of what you all can do." I say trying to steer their conversation away from me as well as figuring out who I would be working with.

"We can definitely show you a bit after dinner." Jake said, seeming to be the most eager to show off his powers.

"He can be cocky, can't he?" I ask Heeseung who sat across the table, two seats to my left.

"He can be, definitely." Heeseung nodded with a grin.

"Hey! I'm right here!"

I send him a smile letting him know I was just picking at him.

"I think we maybe good friends." He said with a quick tilt of his head.

"Hey, don't try taking my place. Evelyn and I are partners in crime." Beomgyu said while waving his chopsticks at Jake.


I sigh as I start to collect dishes, telling myself to start working on my rock-paper-scissors game. Heeseung, Jungwon, Sunoo, and I had all lost the two rounds we had played.

Sunoo had just started washing dishes when I came into the kitchen with another arm load of them. "Let me grab a few more and I'll start rinsing." I let him know before walking back to the dinning area.

I couldn't help the smile on my face as I hear all the others in the living room yelling and having a good time. I could feel the joy rolling off of Yeonjun and Taehyun.

My smile fades a little as I see Tiswan sitting at the empty table alone. "You okay?" I ask her as I start to grab the rest of the dishes.

"Yeah, I'm good." She replied shortly, her eyes locked on the table top.

I open my mouth to speak once more, but stop. I don't know what to really say to her and a few of the guys had just ran by yelling something about ice cream.

I send one more quick glance her way before turning and heading for the kitchen. "Someone else can clean the dessert dishes." I comment as I see them fighting to get to bowels and spoons.

My eyes widen as they all suddenly stop, their feet frozen in place.

"Sunghoon!" Jay yelled as he lost his balance and fell on his butt.

I set the dishes down and bend over laughing as the others struggle to stay standing as Sunghoon just waltz's in and takes the ice cream.

Jake was the first one out of the ice holding him in place, he quickly grabs the other tub of ice cream and makes a run for it. The others yelling after him to melt the ice for them.

"Is it always this crazy here?" I ask Sunoo who has fighting to breath through his own laughter.

"Yeah, there is never a dull moment here." Jungwon answered for him, a bright smile on his face.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now