Chapter 36

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Yeonjun had helped me back into my bed and then headed out the room to let the others know I was awake.

I was sat leaning back on the headboard of my bed while my hands picked at my blanket absentmindedly. My teeth went at my bottom lip, my nerves were on edge for some reason.

I was snapped out of my thoughtless daze as Huening Kai comes rushing in, a bright smile making his face light up.

"You're awake!!" He yelled as he rushed over and sat on the edge of my bed. He twisted his torso to give me a hug.

"Yeah, thank you for what you did to-"

"Of course! You're part of the family!"

Why do people keep cutting me off?

I brush it off as he pulls away, his happy mood helping wash away the worry that was eating away at my stomach.

"You have no idea the mess I had to deal with while you were gone."

I look over Huening Kai's shoulder to see Soobin leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed. Despite his words and his posture seeming to make it like he was upset, he was smiling brightly as well.

"I'll be able to help keep them in line soon." I reply as he pushes off the door and walks over.

Huening Kai moves out of the way so Soobin could lean down and give me a hug as well.

"You just try not to get yourself into to much trouble."

I have a sheepish laugh. "No promises, boss man."

Soobin laughed at the little nickname.

"By the way, you definitely are a great friend... and a amazing leader."

He pulls back, looking slightly shocked by the fact I knew what had happened while I was 'dead'.

"Ah, I forgot Yeonjun learned you could hear us after that." He pulled back and rubbed at the back of his neck a little ashamed.

I give him a soft smile, I never wanted to make him feel as if he was never a good friend to me. He had the others to worry about. The ones he had been with for so many years before I came along.

My eyebrows pull down as I feel something weird stir in my stomach. My eyes going to the doorway on their own.

Taehyun stood there with his hands shoved in his pockets.

Memories of watching over him while he was in his old village came back to me. My heart squeezed a little as I thought over how he went back there. I didn't know the whole story, but I knew the people in his village didn't treat him to well. I had to imagine it had to have been a little hard on him going there, but he did get to see the ghost of his old friend... he seemed really happy to see her. That thought made the guilt ease a little, just a little though.

I felt so guilty that all of them had went through so much just to get me back... and I still brought more trouble from death with me.

"Can I talk with Evelyn alone?" Taehyun suddenly asked, making my heart beat speed up a little. I didn't know why, but worry bubbles up in my stomach.

Soobin and Huening Kai agreed, both giving me a smile before heading out of the room.

Taehyun closed the door after them and then turned to face me.


He walked over to the stool by my and sat down without a word. His silence making my worry grow.

"Why are you so worried?" He asked after a moment of me looking from him and then anywhere else in the room when I realized he was still just staring at me.

"I mean... you're kinda acting weird..?" I reply as I still myself and hold his gaze.

He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "It's because I need to talk to you about something, and I don't know how you'll take it. The worry you're feeling... it isn't just your worry... it's mine as well."

My brows and lips pull down. "What?"

"Do you recall me tying pieces of your soul to me?"

I nod my head.

"Well, to start off... we apparently had some kind of soul connection from the start. I guess that's why we got along so well." He chuckled a little and then took a deep breath. "After I tied the pieces of your soul to me. It made that connection stronger..." he paused to look over my reaction.

"Okay...? Is this leading to something bad?"

"Depends in how you take it, I guess..."

I move my hands in a circle with a small smile, letting him know to continue.

"Dumah told me that we have a platonic soulmate bond... it was there before, but again. When I tied your soul pieces to me, it made the bond stronger. That's how you felt my worry and I felt your guilt..."

"So, we can feel each others emotions now?" That made me panic a little. What else went with this bond?

"Yes, you feel panicked..." Taehyun said. I felt another wave of worry wash over me.

"Oh gosh, we need to stop and take a breath." I say as our two emotions mixing made me feel a little dizzy. "We're just making the other freak out more and it's not helping anything." 

Taehyun hummed as he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

I do the same, telling my heart to calm the fuck down.

"I'm just worried about this causing issues for you, that's why I felt panic." I explain after he opened his eyes back up.

"And I'm just worried this will make you upset at me."

I raise a brow at him and crack a smile. "Taehyun, this is not your fault. You were helping bring me back, no one had any idea it would lead to a bond between our souls."  

"You're right." He said and then pulled his lips into a small smile. "Dumah also mentioned we could learn to block our emotions from reaching the other. I'm not sure how yet, but we will figure it out once you're up and moving again."

"That's good. Is there anything else that comes with this bond?"

"I'm not to sure, Dumah said she wasn't sure either. She has never came across a bond like this. She said it won't change how we feel towards one another though. Like how you and Yeonjun felt the need to be close... romanticly. She said it won't do that."

That was good, I did not want another bond making me want to fall in love.

I took a deep breath at the thought of love. I was glad I didn't feel that guy pull towards Yeonjun, but I still felt strongly towards him. Those good thoughts were followed by the mind games that had tortured me for months while I was gone.

I felt tears well up again as my emotions took off out of hand. The guilt, the fear being the strongest of them all.

"Hey, you're safe now." Taehyun said as he reached for my hand. A sense of comfort washing over me.

"Why do you all fight so hard for me when all I do is cause trouble for you all?" I ask as I take a quick breath through my nose as I feel the tears drying up.

"Because you're part of our family." He replied with a gentle smile.


I wrote this on my phone so I hope it doesn't mess this up when I copy and paste it lol.

How is everyone?

I was going to wait on my laptop charger before I updated, but I had to get this out bc I'm so ready to move on to making their bonds stronger and exploring this new bond between Taehyun and Evelyn!!

Hope you all have a great day/night!!💛

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