Chapter 71

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Time was going by very quickly. I felt my anxiety grow more as the days passed. Soon enough I knew I would have to go through with the rest of my plan to be rid of Andromalius.

I needed to do it as soon as I knew I was ready, that way there was no chance for him to try and strike again.

The problem was though, I didn't think I was fully ready yet.

I had seen what it took for Yeonjun and Huening Kai to hold him down just long enough for them to get out.

I was going in alone, I had no one to help watch my back. I knew I could easily ask them to help me, but I felt in my soul I had to do this alone. Andromalius had taken everything from me. This would be the last thing I do for my family.

I would get revenge for them.

"Evelyn, you okay?" Beomgyu asked from the couch where he had been sitting playing games. "You've just been staring at that one spot on the floor for the past 30 minutes...?"

I offer him a soft smile. "I'm okay. Just thinking about some things." I reply as I get to my feet and dust my legs off.

"Want to play a round? It helps me get things off my mind." Beomgyu said as he held out the controller.

"Thanks, but I need to go train some. With all this demon hunting I haven't had much time to train alone."

Beomgyu hums and nods his head. "Don't over do it."

"No rest for the wicked." I say over my shoulder with a small laugh.

I wasn't really going to go train just yet. I was going to go dive back into my books I had been reading through. Many of them were just full of bullshit that humans had made up, some things in them though did ring true.

What I was looking for though, I had yet to find. I needed to know all of Andromalius' weaknesses. I wanted to make sure that I took him down. I was only going to hell one more time and I needed to be sure it would end with Andromalius dead and gone forever.

I had debated trying to lock him away as Rerek was, but I haven't found a way to do that.

It took a few very powerful demons and angels to lock Rerek away.

"I am more powerful than Andromalius is as well."

I roll my eyes at Rerek's random comment. "It maybe true, but I am still a lot younger and no where near as experienced as all the other demons and angels out there."


I sigh as I take a seat at my desk. I lean down to the left a bit and pull the very bottom draw open. Lifting a few random romance books up, I slip my other hand in and pull out the books I wanted to keep out of sight. 

"Do you think I will even find anything in these books that can be useful?" I ask Rerek as I skim through the first book in the stack.

"No clue kid, I have never read a human book before."

It was crazy if I thought to long about it. I was friends? With an ancient demon that once tried to destroy the world.

"I need to make sure I gather the rest of your powers that Andromalius took as well." I say more to myself then Rerek. 

"Ah yes, might as well. Not like I can use them."

I smirk a little as I could see Rerek rolling his eyes.

There was no need to really worry if I didn't catch Rerek's power that Andromalius took, it wasn't enough to help Rerek escape. But, it maybe enough for me to be one step closer to making sure Andromalius never made a come back.

A knock on my door made me snap the book closed. "Coming!" I yell out as I quickly place the books back in the drawer.

I rush to the door and pull it open. "Yeah?"

"I was just wanting to check where you were. Beomgyu said you had went to train, but I didn't see you up there any where."

"I had changed my mind, I decided I wanted to keep reading my book." It wasn't a full lie, I just didn't need to mention what book I was reading.

Taehyun nods his head. "Well, you want to keep reading? Or want to help me cook?"


After helping Taehyun cook, I had slipped back to my room while waiting on Soobin, Yeonjun, and Huening Kai to make it back from their mission.

I was once again deep into the books I had. I was biting my lip and tapping my nails against the top of my desk as the clock by me ticked on.

It was 11pm when I was just about to give up and text Yeonjun to make sure they were all okay. But, just as I was about to shut the book something caught my eye.

Fallen Angels~

"Fallen angels...?"

The first one the book talked about was, of course Satan.

I skimmed over a few others before I stopped briefly on one named Azazel. He was known for teaching humans witch craft and sorcery.

My mind went back to Alse and how she had helped me. I remember the small bits of hers and Taehyun's past I had seen.

I take a deep breath in to try and control the sorrow I felt for my friend. He had lost so much as well. All of them have.

That was another reason why I would do whatever I needed to end Andromalius. He would not take anything else from my new family. I would lay my own life down for that.

I then came to a list of other fallen angels that were less known.

My eyes go through the rows of names, reading what they were known for and how and when they fell from heaven.

I lean back a little and blink my eyes when I come across a name that I didn't really expect to see.


"No fucking way." I whisper as I sit up straight and focus on the paragraph that explained Yeonjun's brief past.

Yeonjun had only been an Angel for ten years before his fall from the holy world.

It is still unclear as to why he was truly thrown out, but many sources claim he vowed to fight the almighty after he refused to take Yeonjun's deal.

Yeonjun's mother had passed, but she would not be let into the holy world for sins she had committed early on in her life. Yeonjun had begged and pleaded that God let his mother take his place, but God would not break his own ancient rules for one young Angel. 

After Yeonjun was denied what he wanted he was soon threw into Judecca after his threats were heard by God.

Yeonjun the now fallen angel spent years in Judecca trying to claw his way out, fighting his new inner demons.

As of now, there is no new update about this fallen Angel.

I take a deep breath and wonder what else could be in this book and how true it really was.

I would have to ask Yeonjun about it, but I didn't know how without making him wonder why I was reading a book like this.

I run my hands through my hair as I brush the thought away for now, this information wasn't going to get me any closer to ending Andromalius.

A little while later I shut the book, all it's pages read and looked over a few times.

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