Chapter 3

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Yeonjun returns to the dorm. His eyes scanned the living room, taking notice that it was empty.

His heart sank in his chest as he thought for a second she was gone again.

He kicks his shoes off in a rush, then hurries through the living room to the hallway. Not caring how what time it was or how loud he was being, he turns the knob to her room and throws the door open.

His eyes land on the bed right away where she lays still as before.

He walked in slowly and shut the door quietly this time. It felt like he may be able to trick himself into thinking she was just sleeping, worn out from a long day of training.

It was a lie though, one that made the reality of it all hurt even more.

Her soul wasn't in her body.

He had to find those pieces and bring her back.

He sat on the edge of her bed and stroked her cold cheek.

"Who would have ever thought a fallen angel could feel something more painful than falling from heaven." He closed his eyes for a second, willing the emotions down. He was done crying and raging over what had happened. It wouldn't bring her back. He had to start acting, do something that would actually help, and fix this mess.

He just didn't know where to start.

Maybe he would speak with Dumah tomorrow and see if she had any leads.

If not... then he would just start searching blindly. Anything was better than sitting around and feeling sorry for himself.

He may feel as if his soul has been torn apart, but Evelyn's really was.

Yeonjun needed to clear his mind and get on track.

"I don't believe in happy endings, but we deserve better." He whispered as he picked a strand of her hair up, letting it slip through his fingers as his eyes unfocused. He wasn't lost in thought, he was just lost in his mind that was too full, yet so empty at the moment.

She deserved so much better than this. Yeonjun didn't care what his ending was meant to be like, but this wasn't going to be hers,

Yeonjun opens his mouth and then closes it right away. He had almost said he loved her... did he love her? Was it just their bond trying to come out?

No, our bond broke when you died. What he was feeling wasn't the bond at all. Their bond died with her, or that's what he had been told about soul bonds like theirs. They broke when one of the people in the bond died.

What he was feeling were his own emotions. Ones that were real and all him alone. Nothing was forcing those words to pop up in his mind other than his own tattered soul. No bond was making him feel what he was feeling now.

A bitter smile pulled at his lips. He, a broken angel, fell in love. Now that the bond was gone and he still felt the same way. He realized what he had been feeling before wasn't a side effect of the bond. He really did fall for her.

He let his eyes land on her closed ones. He wondered if her feelings were the same as his?

Only way to find out is to bring her back. And he would, very soon.

And if she doesn't feel the same way? Yeonjun didn't care, she still didn't deserve to be where she is now.

A part of him knew her feelings for him were real. The fear and sadness in her eyes as she begged for Yeonjun to have his memories taken away, was far too raw and real. Her last act wasn't to save herself, it was to save him.

Yeonjun shook his head as he stood up and took a step back. "You're too nice for your own good..."

Yeonjun turned and went for the door, stopping as his hand landed on the knob. He turned his body just enough for him to see her clearly again.

She's asleep. He would tell himself that for the night, maybe a little longer to keep himself from cracking even more.

As he stepped out of her room, he came face to face with Taehyun.

"You gather yourself?" Taehyun asked.

Yeonjun felt a little bit of anger spike in his chest, but it died as quickly as it sparked. He could see the way Taehyun's eyes were puffed up, the streaks on his cheeks from where he had been shedding tears.

Yeonjun could hear Evelyn calling him a selfish prick. His friends were hurting as well and he was busy running off and vowing to fix this all on his own.

His friends had been there to pick her up after he had thrown things at her. As her world fell apart, they helped her fix it while he was busy fighting his own demons and taking it out on her.

They all had a deep bond with her, not just him.

"I'm sorry."

Taehyun blinked in surprise, he had never heard his friend sound so sad and broken. Yeonjun has never apologized and meant it before... It meant a lot to Taehyun for Yeonjun to finally notice he wasn't the only one who had lost someone when Evelyn passed. They all lost someone they cared for.

Taehyun stepped forward and rested a hand on Yeonjun's shoulder. "We will bring her back."

"Get some rest, we have a long road ahead of us." Yeonjun gave Taehyun a pat on the shoulder and then pulled away. 


I just wrote pt 5 and it has a bit of Taehyun's past. 

I think his past parts may hurt me a little to write lol. 

I think the next part is a bit more reflecting on their feelings and then things start moving in pt 5. 

Hope you all have a great day/night!

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