Chapter 73

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"It's about time I take the rest of your loved ones."

My eyes snap open when I hear Andromalius' voice in my ear.

I scan the area, my gut turning as I realize he was no longer locked away in Judecca. No, we were back in his palace. The damage Yeonjun had caused to it had been fixed, almost as if it had never happened.

"Long time Evelyn." Andromalius said from his throne.

My throat closes up as memories flash through my mind. The last time I was here, I had begged him to spare Yeonjun the pain of knowing he had lost me.

"I have to admit, what you did to those succubus was impressive, but a mere trick show to me. You knew deep down I would come back and take them from you. That I would finally break you." He smirked as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "A matter of time before I showed you how a real demon king acts to defiance."

I shallow thickly as I try and regain control over my body. I had been training months to face him... but I had been counting on him still being locked away in that hole.

"You starting to see how small and weak you are compared to me?" He stood from his throne taking slow steady steps towards where I stood.

"No!" I snap as I flood the room with red smoke. "You dare touch anyone else and I will make sure you never open your eyes again."

My heart was racing as my scanned around me, trying to use my smoke to feel where he could be. I couldn't see, hear, or feel anything. It was as if he had left the room all together.

I let my smoke sink to the ground and turn slowly, waiting for him to show his face again.

I let out a gasp of surprise when I feel a hand grip the back of my neck. I grit my teeth together as I he picks me up off the ground.

"You just have no idea what I can do." He says as he brings me up a little higher before tossing me away from him. "I was only locked away because Dumah showed up, if it wasn't for her catching me you wouldn't be here. None of you are strong enough to ever cause any real damage to me."

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now