Chapter 51

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I snap my eyes open as I feel something brush my lips.

The thing just kissed me!? My heart sunk as the thing smirked.

Suddenly it was ripped away from me and taken down towards the bottom of the river.

I knew right away something was wrong as I started drifting deeper even though I was trying to use my arms and legs. My body was just not listening to my brain.

Beomgyu makes it over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

When we break the surface of the water, my head just lulls to the side. My eyes were wide open, I could hear and see, but I could not control a single muscle.

Beomgyu huffed as he layed Evelyn down on the dock. He had only healed enough to stop the bleeding for now, to much straining and he may start bleeding again.

Beomgyu takes a second and lays down on the concrete next to Evelyn to catch his breath.

After a moment he pushes himself up and scoots closer to Evelyn to try and figure out what the demon had done to her. He saw the deep holes in her neck that were slowing bleeding.

"What the hell?" He asked no one as he noticed that her eyes were wide open. Her pupils completely dilated.

Beomgyu bit down on his lip as he felt a sudden harsh pain in his torso. He looks down and sees a demons hand sticking out of his stomach.

"Fuck." He breathed out right before the demon shoved him forward on his face.

He groaned as the demon grabbed a handful of his hair and started dragging him away from the edge of the river.

He was able to turn his head just enough to see that there was another demon dragging Evelyn the same way.

Beomgyu musters all the strength he could. Suddenly they were all hit with a wave of water. The demons losing their grip from the force.

Beomgyu pushed himself up on all fours, his would healing extremely slowly thanks to the lack of ocean water that was in the river.

The demons get back to their feet, but stop moving as their feet became incased in ice.

"What the hell do you want?" Beomgyu asked the demons as he leaned back on his feet. His breathing was fast and shallow thanks to the blood lose.

He turned and potted Evelyn, her head turned his way. Her eyes were now closed.


Beomgyu snapped his head around as he heard Hueing Kai call for him. "Over here!"

The demons started to struggle as they feel Huening Kai's presence getting closer to them.

Huening Kai and Soobin asked no questions before they rushed the demons, killing them right away.

"What the hell happened?" Taehyun asked as he dropped down next to Beomgyu.

Yeonjun was already checking Evelyn over, trying to figure out why she was unconscious.

"A succubus attacked me in the water, Evelyn jumped in to help. I'm not sure what the succubus did before I was able to get it off of Evelyn, but her eyes were wide open a second ago, breathing, everything. She just wasn't moving at all, she was limp. Then those other two attacked me while I was trying to check on her."

"You think you can hold out until we get home?" Soobin asked Beomgyu. "I don't think you should get back in the water here, unless you really need to."

"I can make it home." Beomgyu nodded as Taehyun and Huening Kai helped him to his feet.

Yeonjun followed after them, trying to link what had happened to Evelyn. He knew she wouldn't actually die now, but she could still go into a coma until her body and soul heal and recharge from any damage it took.

"Did you see what the succubus did to her? Other then dig its claws into her neck?"

"No, the succubus had its back to me."

"It kissed her." Yeonjun said out loud as it clicked.  "It must have drained Evelyn of her energy."

Yeonjun felt some relief to know what probably happened. Succubus kiss to either steal souls our energy. Evelyn being immortal, a simple succubus would not be able to harm her soul at all, but it could drain her of energy. That would only take about a day or two for Evelyn to wake from.

Beomgyu sighed and leaned his head back, trying his best to not think about the hole in his torso. If he was a human or lesser demon, he would have died by now. The wave of water he was able to call up was enough to allow him to stop all the bleeding once again, but he still had a lot of healing to do.

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