Chapter 47

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I hold my hand up to show Yeonjun that I needed a moment before he came at me with the wooden sword again.

"You're getting really good at this." Yeonjun said as he headed for the table to grab our bottles of water.

"Don't lie to me." I reply with a light scuff.

He hands me my water and pats my head a few times. "I would never lie to you."

I almost choked on my water from the laughter thanks to his words. "Yeah, you would never. I would probably have to use all 20 digits and that will still not be enough to count how many times you have lied to me."

"You make me sound like a bad person." He said as he put his hand to his chest, a look of shock on his face.

"Maybe because you were a shitty person to me for almost a whole year." I roll my eyes. I set my water down and raise my wooden sword back up.

"I'll make you regert painting me in such a bad light."

"I didn't paint you that way, you did."

I let out a small laugh as he comes at me with a little shout of protest.

"Yeonjun," Right before our fake swords could meet, we were stopped by Soobin calling Yeonjun.

"What's up?" Yeonjun asked as he took s step back and lowered his sword.

"We got an urgent call from Taehyun, a demon slipped away from them. We have to help recover it."

I wanted to let out a sigh of frustration, but I knew they couldn't help it, this was their job after all.

"You want to come with us?"

I take afew steps back as my hand goes to my chest. "Me?"

Yeonjun burst out laughing as he nodded his head.

"You think it's a good idea?" Soobin questioned as he came further into the room.

"She has to get out there sooner or later, plus it's just one stray demon. I think she can hold her own if it came down to it."

My heart was picking up pace as I thought over the last time I was out with them looking for a stray demon. Then I take a breath in through my nose and remind myself that I was no longer that same weak human. I was immortal, and I had powers now. Though, they may not be tuned perfectly, I think if needed, I could hold my own just like Yeonjun said.

"Sure, let me go get changed." I gave Soobin a pat on the shoulder and shoved the fake sword in his hand.


"You really think she can do this? She just lost control of Andromalius last week." Soobin could feel his stress building up as he knew if she got hurt, or if they slipped up trying to keep her safe and let the demon get away, it would all be on him as the leader.

"I think she can. If something goes wrong, I will tell Dumah it's all on me." Yeonjun stepped over to Soobin and gave him a firm pat on the shoulder and then took Evelyn's fake sword from him. "She needs to get out there and see what she can really do. Only fighting against us, she worries about hurting us, so she's holding back. I know she is."

"And what if she's not holding back?"

Yeonjun shook his head as he went for the table to place the swords were they belonged.

"What if she let's Andromalius slip again?"

"She won't." Was all Yeonjun said. He had his doubts too, but he believed in Evelyn. She was getting stronger with everyday that passed.

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