Chapter 81

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"Fucking demon." I breath out from where I had been knocked down. My head spinning as pain bloomed all over my back.

The demon that had knocked me to the ground dug it's claws deep into my back causing me to bite my tongue to try and keep the cries of pain from escaping.

I only had one way out of this.

I hit the floor hard causing my head to spin even more. It took everything in me to make sure I didn't drop the barriers keeping the mass of the demons trapped up stairs.

I use my sword as a crutch as I get to my feet, once I was up, I knew it was too late.

"Evelyn, get out while you can." Jay said from his place on the floor, Tiswan and a few other demons holding him in place.

I look from the demons to Jay, not knowing what to do. There was no way I was going to leave him here to the mercy of these demons. He had a team that was waiting for him, just like I did.

"What is it you really want? You after me? Andromalius send you?"

I cringe as Tiswan presses Jay's face harder into the floor. "I came on orders from someone else. He has business with the both of you."


Yeonjun stopped moving as the demon he held struggled to get free. "Shit." He let out and in one quick motion the demons head was no longer attached to its neck. "Something is wrong."

"What do you mean?" Ni-ki asked through his ear piece.

"Something is wrong with Evelyn." He tries reaching down the bond between them, but as soon as he was able to feel her panic, it was gone. "Who is the closest team to their location?"

"Soobin and Heeseung. What is going on?"

Yeonjun takes a moment as he kills the last demon. "The bond between us suddenly cut out and I can't pick anything up. Almost like she's..." Yeonjun trailed off as he realized what had happened.

"Yeonjun? What is it?"

He doesn't say anything as he appears next to Ni-ki helping him take down the last few demons.

"I believe she's in hell."

Ni-ki's eyes widen. "We need to get over there, now." He said as he pulled his phone out trying to see if Jay would answer his phone.

While Ni-ki called Jay, Yeonjun called Soobin and let him know what was happening.

"We just finished with this nest, we'll head over there right now."

Soobin and Heeseung had just made it to the third floor when they heard Yeonjun call for them from the main floor.

Heeseung walked back to the stairs and yelled down to them, letting them know what floor they were on.

Yeonjun ran up the stairs with Evelyn's and Jay's swords that had been left on the second floor in his hands. "Anything yet?" He asked as he stopped a foot away from Soobin.

"Nothing, but demon ashes and their weapons."

"Fuck." Yeonjun breathed out as he sheathed Evelyn's sword and handed Jay's over to Heeseung.

He pushed past them and headed down the main hall, pushing each door he passed open with more force then necessary. He knew she wasn't here, none of them were, but he needed to try and get an idea on what had happened here. Try and get an idea on what part of hell they could be in.

The storage room at the end of the hall reeked with Evelyn's and Tiswan's blood. He stepped over to a big puddle of the demons blood, seeing a few dots of Evelyn's right beside it..

"Do you think Tiswan is still alive? That's a lot of blood, even for a demon." Soobin asked as he stood in the door way.

"I'm not sure." Yeonjun responded before he turned and left for the next floor.


"Jay, are you here?" I ask my voice straining as I try and pull at the chains that held my arms to the floor.

"I'm here." He responded, sounding a bit winded as well. "What enemies do you have in hell?"

"Only one really, Andromalius. He is in a pit of hell fire in Judecca. You?" I remember Tiswan saying that a demon here had business with the both of us.

"My father, he is not very found of the fact that I hunt the very thing I am."

I stop trying to pull at the chains as I feel my arms and back protest. The cuts on my back were taking their sweet time on healing. I wasn't even sure if it was healing, I was to drained to even try to use my powers. "What are we in for if it is him?"

"I really don't believe it is him, this doesn't feel like his domain... unless he got smart and realized that if I'm in his domain then I am as strong as him."

"One day I'll be able to stay away from hell for longer then a few months." I gripe as I try and figure a way out of this.

Jay let out a light laugh. "It's hard when we're tied to it. I hate coming here, but I know this is home. You may not have been born a demon, but you are connected to it through Rerek."

"Yeah..." Speaking of my demon friend, he had been quiet this whole time, making me wonder what was going on with him.

I try and reach out to him, but that part of my mind that he liked to stay in was empty. I knew he could blend in with any part of me if he wanted since I became immortal, making it where I couldn't find him easily. But, he never did it often at all, so why would he do it now?

Was he trying to leave this up to me to figure out, was he not wanting to help so I would be better prepared for when I faced Andromalius?

I wasn't sure what the demon of chaos was doing or thinking, but I knew if I was on the verge of death he would help out if he could.

My head snaps up as torches that were carved into the stone wall burst to life with dark blue fire. The corners of the roughly shaped room were still cast in shadows, shadows that seemed to dark to be normal.

Across from Jay and I were chained, a door creaked open reveling Tiswan. "Boss said it's time to talk."

She snapped her fingers and demons crawled out of the shadows, scurrying their way towards us.

I use what little strength I had left and send what little smoke I could gather to block Jay from the demons coming his way.

"Stop trying to be a hero, Jay isn't here to get hurt. His father would have my head." Tiswan said as she rolled her eyes.

"Evelyn, save your strength. I'll be fine."

I breath out and nod, letting the smoke disappear, but not before snapping a few demons necks.

"Bitch, stop killing my demons." Tiswan ground out as she stalked over to where I had just been pulled to my feet. My head jerks to the side from the force of her slap. "You on the other hand have no one here to keep you safe."

"That thought is not very scary." I reply over my shoulder as I get pulled towards the door.

I look behind me once more to make sure Jay was being brought with me. Once he fell into step behind me, I turn back around and focus on where we were being taken.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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