Chapter 8

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Bad Friend~

Taehyun thanked the cap driver as he stepped out on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. The only thing to see was the road that vanished in either direction, bending around the valley of the mountains that surrounded them.

The cap was giving Taehyun an odd looking.

Taehyun didn't doubt the man thought he was crazy for wanting to be dropped off here. The cap driver gave Taehyun one last look, trying to make sure this was where he really wanted to be left. Taehyun didn't notice, his eyes were scanning the mountains that were in front of him, across the road.

Once the cab was out of view, Taehyun pulled his map out. The blue light faded and Taehyun also pulled out a compass that was as old as the map.

He let out a sigh once he knew which way he needed to go. He was mentally tired, but he felt his magic recharging as he walked into the tree line. There was nothing but nature for miles, and miles. He should be well recharged by the time he made it to where his village used to be.

As Taehyun walked the slight incline of the mountain, he couldn't help but bite at his dry lips. His nerves were rising as he couldn't fight back the little flashes of memories that came and went. He didn't try and stop them from leaving though, he wanted them gone before they even came.


Soobin finished washing up his dishes and wiped his hands.

He picked his phone back up re-reading the last message Taehyun had sent him a few hours ago.

He had reached the mountains and mentioned that service may drop at any time while he was climbing the mountain.

Soobin locked his screen and shoved it in his pocket and ran a hand over his face.

He was feeling stressed watching his members running themselves so hard to save Evelyn, while he did nothing.

He just didn't know where to start at all.

He was a ghost before he came here. He really had nothing special to help them with what was going on. He craved so much to be able to do anything to help out, but he didn't know how.

He flicked the light to the kitchen off as he left the room, doing the same to the living room light as well.

Everyone was already in their rooms for the night. Yeonjun hasn't really left his much since he came back.

Soobin paused for a second in the dark hallway. His head turned to face Evelyn's door. He hasn't seen her since Dumah had brought her here.

Huening Kai and Beomgyu would go in there every day and just sit and talk nonsense even though they knew she couldn't hear anything, it made them feel a little better.

Soobin felt he needed to see her for once. It was just her body, but he felt he needed to talk to her for a minute as well. Let some things off his chest to her.

He opened the door and stepped in quietly, the lamp next to her bed was still on, casting light on the right side of her face.

The yellowish light made it seem like there was color to her skin like her heart was still pumping, but it really wasn't. Soobin knew if he turned the overhead light on, he would see how pale and pasty her skin really was.

He didn't turn the light on as he headed for the stool by her bed.

He sat down with a sigh and stared at her unmoving face.

"I really don't know what to say... I just felt like I had something to say, but now that I'm here, I don't know what it was." It was like the words were right in the front of his mind, yet his mouth wouldn't form them.

He took in a deep breath as he leaned forward and picked up her hand that was resting on top of the blanket.

"Everyone is trying to find a way to bring you back... Yeonjun and Taehyun are really trying the hardest." He brushed his thumb over the back of her cold hand. "Yeonjun was in hell for almost a week. Taehyun has gone off into some mountains where his village used to be... and me, I don't think I've done anything to help."

He felt his heart sinking as he thought over what Yeonjun and Taehyun were doing. He had just been trying to keep track of everyone and make sure the others worked when needed.

He wanted to do something to help, but where would he start?

He doesn't have a wild or deep background like the others, he was just a normal human that passed away from an accident. Then he was just a wandering spirit, never finding the closer to pass on to wherever he was meant to go after death.

Yeonjun was the one to find him and offer him a way from his aimless wondering.

And now here he was, years later.

The others had been through more than him, had more experience with so many different things. Soobin knew his fair amount of stuff, but he only had the basic powers of soul collector. He was just able to fully go into the spirit world when needed.

Most of them could see spirits, but the ones that were damaged or wanted to hide, they were harder for the others to see. Soobin had no problem finding them and even going after them in his own spirit form.

"You mean a lot to us Evelyn, but I'm so worried someone is going to get themselves into something while we try and bring you back..." Soobin was having a small mental fight with himself. He wanted to bring her back, but he didn't want to lose anyone else while doing so.

Did that mean he was a bad friend to Evelyn?

Soobin didn't really know. 

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