Chapter 24

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Taehyun stood there, his eyes locked on the parts of Evelyn's soul they had already put together. His eyes then drifted to the newest piece they had found.

It was so dim. It made Taehyun worry about what had caused it to be that way.

He recalls that Yeonjun had told him about Evelyn saying she could hear them when they spoke to her.

"Evelyn... what happened to you out there?" He asked the air as he stepped closer to her bed, ready to place the other piece with the rest.

He grabbed the piece of her soul that he had as he whispered the now familiar spell. He brought the piece up to the other part, feeling the tugging already starting in his chest.

As soon as he had cut his tie with the part of the soul, he gasped and clutched his chest.

It's never been painful.

He thought as he took a second to catch his breath. Whatever this was, it was getting stronger as they found more pieces.

Taehyun wondered if he should share this with the others or just leave it alone for now? He really wasn't going to add more stress to Soobin at the moment.

He took a deep breath as he sat down on the stool, placing his face in his hands as he racked his brain for what could be going on.

Was it just because I was tying the pieces to me? Were they somehow linking slightly with my own soul?

That made Taehyun worry a bit. What would be the side effects if his thoughts were true?

He rubbed at his face harshly as he thought over it all and the fact Yeonjun had gone to hell with the master of all succubus.

Taehyun hoped with his whole being Yeonjun would be okay. They all had no real way to go after him, no one knew where Astaroth lived in hell.

"Fucking hell." Taehyun cursed under his breath as he dug the heels of his palms into his eyes, leaving black dots dancing over his vision when he opened his eyes.

"Evelyn, we definitely need to get you back here, sooner rather than later." Taehyun reached over and grabbed her hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Yeonjun is getting so reckless with all of this..."

Taehyun couldn't bash Yeonjun too much if Taehyun had the powers Yeonjun did. He would have gone after her just like Yeonjun had.

Taehyun let go of Evelyn's hand, wanting to go check on the other members now.

As soon as he turned towards the door he stopped in his tracks, a loud 'thud' behind him made his heart jump a little.

Taehyun slowly turned, magic burning in the palms of his hands.

To his surprise, it was just Yeonjun on the ground in a messy heap.

Taehyun let the magic in his die right away as he turned fully to face his friend who wasn't moving.

He dropped to the ground next to him and placed his finger in front of Yeonjun's nose to check if he was breathing.

Taehyun let out a sigh as he felt Yeonjun's breath fanning over his finger, letting him know he was alive.

After a few minutes of no movement from Yeonjun, Taehyun placed his hands on his back. Using his magic he checked everything on the inside to make sure there was no unseen damage that was keeping him so still.

Once he knew there was no damage, Taehyun sent a jolt of magic through Yeonjun.

Yeonjun gasped as he opened his eyes. It took him a few seconds to calm down and realize Taehyun was sitting right in front of him with a big grin.

"What happened?" Taehyun asked Yeonjun as he grabbed his hand, helping him to his feet.

"A bit," Yeonjun replied shortly, his head hurting him so bad all he wanted to do was lay back down on the floor and keep his eyes shut tight for a while.

"You want to go shower, or lay down for a minute?" Taehyun asked him, seeing how he was squinting his eyes to the point they were almost shut.

"Lay down."

Taehyun nodded his head and helped Yeonjun out of Evelyn's room, over to his own, and down on his made bed.

Taehyun then decided to help Yeonjun at least take his shoes off.

"Call if you need anything, okay?" Taehyun said as he went out the door, shutting it as softly as he could.

Yeonjun groaned as he rubbed gently at his temples, trying to ease the pounding in his head that seemed to be in sync with his heartbeat.

It was kind of a haze after he had killed Astaroth.

It was like something randomly exploded out of nowhere. Yeonjun had been sent flying into the wall behind him, his mind reeling from the sudden force, and then he was waking up to Taehyun on Evelyn's bedroom floor.

Yeonjun did feel relief though, that the demon whore was dead. After what she did using Evelyn's face, he wanted to kill her over and over again until she was begging for mercy.

Taehyun walked into the kitchen catching sight of Soobin, just the man he was going to look for before Yeonjun popped up.

"I have bad news," Taehyun said, he wanted to pick at the leader a little before letting him know all his stress could end.

Soobin spun to face him, dropping the bowl he had been cleaning back into the sink, the dish clanking loudly with the other dishes. "What? What happened now?"

"Yeonjun is getting his bed all dirty."

Taehyun could see the gears in Soobin's mind turning as he tried to compute Taehyun's words.

"Yeonjun's getting his bed dirty...?" It took another few seconds before Soobin's eyes widened in realization. "Yeonjun's back!?"

Taehyun nodded with a big grin.

Soobin didn't even bother to wash the soap off his hands, or even dry them on a rag. He instead wiped his hands on his sweatpants and rushed to get out of the kitchen, only stopping long enough to pop Taehyun on the head.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." He griped before he took off again

Soobin rushed into Yeonjun's room, a deep sigh of relief leaving his mouth before anger took over the relief.

"What the hell were you thinking? That's right, you weren't fucking thinking at all!? Do you know how stressed I've been? I'm going bald from how often I'm gripping my hair trying to hold onto my sanity because you all want to do stupid shit, especially you!"

Yeonjun did feel bad for the stress he put his leader through, but there was no other way to get that part of Evelyn's soul back as quickly as possible. Yeonjun was worried if Astaroth got away with the piece of Evelyn's soul she would cause it to dim more, or even fade away completely.

Yeonjun's stomach turned at that thought. The need to get the other pieces as quickly as possible ate at his heart.

"I'm really sorry Soobin.." Yeonjun said as he sat up slowly, his head still aching a little. "I reacted before thinking it over a bit better."

Soobin sighed, his anger gone as he saw how dirty Yeonjun was. "I'm just glad you're back and in one piece." He said as he rubbed his forehead a little. "Go get your dirty ass cleaned up and stop dirtying up the sheets." He said with a little nip even though he was smiling softly. 

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