Chapter 54

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I open my eyes once I was sure the room was empty. What I was about to do was stupid, I knew that, but I was to pissed to care.

I was going to free my families souls from those succubus demons.

I close my eyes and pop up in my room, grabbing a pair of shoes. Then I was in the weapons room, gathering a sword and a few knives.

I take a deep breath, reminding myself that I had to do this, I had to release my families souls.

"Is this really going to work? They never told me you can save a soul that a demon has consumed..." I whisper to Rerek.

"Yes, it will work. They usually deal with lesser demons who consume the souls right away. Succubus don't consume them right away, it takes them time to absorb the souls they take unless they preform an act of sex with their victims."

I nod my head, feeling more resolved on getting this done as quickly as possible.

"They will be pissed with me when I get back..." I sigh as I make sure the sword was strapped tightly to my side. I then bend over and make sure the knives were hidden well in my boots.

"You have to handle things on your own sometimes, and it's your family that was killed."

The word 'kill' made my heart clench. "You're right."

Once outside the dorm, I turn and look at it one more time. I turn on my heel and take off down the road. Once I got the road a little ways, I was going to get a taxi, the restaurant I saw was on the other side of the city. No way I could run all that way and not die.


"Fuck." I whisper just as I get into the taxi. "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you?" Yeonjun yelled through the phone.

"Cloak yourself, they are tracking you."

I do as Rerek says and cloak my presence.

"What are you doing? Why did you cloak yourself? Evelyn, come home right now!"

"No, I have something to do." I reply calmly.

"You don't have to do anything but get home!"

"I'll be home in a bit, don't worry to much." I hang the phone up, guilt pooling in my gut at how worried Yeonjun had sounded.

I look down at my  phone as it rings again. This time it was Taehyun calling me. I turn my phone all the way off and shove it back into my pocket. They would stop me... but I had to do this. It was my fault my family had been in the demons radar.

I should have just died quietly the first time... or let myself be thrown off that roof. Anything other then living and letting my family pay the price.

"Even if you had died, your family would still have gone through a lot of pain... They would have went on living knowing you had died."

"Better then them dying." I mumble under my breath, the taxi driver was already throwing me worried glances through the rear view mirror.

"It's to late now to wish you had died long ago, now you just show your enemies you're not to be messed with."

And I was going to do just that. All those succubus would die today, no matter if they had a hand in killing my family or not. No one would harm the ones I love and get away with it.

"We're here." The taxi driver called out, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Thank you." I hand him the money as well as a tip or having to worry about my mental state.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now