Chapter 19

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Yeonjun had stayed there the whole night, reaching out to touch the part of Evelyn's soul every time he would jolt awake from short dreams of her.

Some of the dreams would be just a recollection of moments they had together, others were not that great.

At the end of some of the dreams, Evelyn was alive and well... but she cursed at Yeonjun for all he had done and walked away from him. Or, she never woke back up...

The sunlight that peaked through the crack in the curtains covering the window let Yeonjun know he had to get up and get ready to head back to work this morning.

"I'll come see you as soon as I get off." He whispered to her as he stood up slowly, his body stiff from the position he stayed in almost all night long.

Before heading for the kitchen to eat, he went to his room to gather clothes so he could shower and try and ease the tension in his bones.


Taehyun sighed as he set his mother's grammaire down.

It was morning time already, meaning he had only gotten about three maybe four hours of sleep.

Taehyun has been too busy trying to figure out a way to convert his mother's resurrection spell to bother with getting all the sleep his body needs.

He knew if he could use this spell, he could bring Alse back and the spell may help so much with finding the other pieces of Evelyn's soul.

If he was right, the spell would call her soul to one place, to bring her back to life. He wouldn't need to use the full spell, Dumah had already shown Huening Kai how to place her soul back in her body. When Dumah preserved Evelyn's body, she had to turn her body immortal, so once her soul was returned to her body. Evelyn would be immortal.

Taehyun ran a hand over his face, trying to rid his eyelids of their weight. He was wearing himself down again, but he felt too close to something to slow down now.

Another thing that nagged his mind other than his two female friends, was that weird pulling feeling when he had let go of the parts of Evelyn's soul he had tied to him.. He wanted to know what that was about, it had happened twice now. The pull was a bit stronger the second time around.

He racked his brain wondering where another part of her soul could be.

They had found three parts so far... but it was definitely not all of the pieces they needed.

It was like trying to put a puzzle together. They had the outline of it done, but now they needed to figure out where to start on the inside. Find where all the pieces go and see if they fit there.

A knock on Taehyun's door made him blink a few times.

"Yes?" He called out as he walked over to his door.

He pulled the door open and was greeted by Yeonjun.

"I need to talk to you about something," Yeonjun said as he walked in after Taehyun had stepped aside and opened his door more.

"What's going on?" Taehyun asked as he pulled his door shut.

Yeonjun sighed as he sat heavily on the edge of Taehyun's bed. "I think I was able to contact Evelyn's soul form last night..."

Taehyun's ears perked up at the news.

"I just wanted to touch her soul and see if I felt anything... I did. It felt like a shock of electricity, so I jerked away for a second before I placed my hand back on it. This time I didn't pull away from the shock, but I did pull away because I heard her call my name... I placed my hand back for the third time and closed my eyes as I heard her call me again... She asked me to open my eyes and there she was... like seeing a ghost, but she was there. I'm sure of it. She said that she has been trying to call out to us since she passed... then she had to go, saying she was out of energy."

Taehyun walked over a little lost in thought as he sat next to Yeonjun. "I wonder what gives her energy.." He trailed off as he thought it over.

"I'm not sure. She herself said she wasn't sure how she was able to do it either."

Before they could say anything else, another knock was heard on the door.

Soobin peaked into the room. "We need to head out in a few minutes... you two need to come eat."

They both agreed and stood up, silently agreeing to discuss it more once they were home later.

Soobin let them walk past him and shut Taehyun's door, his eyes trailing to Evelyn's closed door.

His heart sank as he walked after his members. They were once again consumed with thoughts on how to get Evelyn back to them. He wanted to be able to help more, but he also had a duty as the leader to make sure they still did their actual job. Evelyn was sadly on the back burner when it came to them making sure they stayed up to date with work. Their job was the only reason some of them were allowed to stay immortal. If Taehyun or Soobin left the job, their immortality would be ripped away from them.

He wasn't sure what would happen to Taehyun since he had his magic, but he himself... he would lose his human body and end back up in the spirit realm, stuck like before.

He knew Dumah wasn't as harsh as Andromalius used to be, but they still had to do their job.

Soobin scratched at his head frustrated at everything that was running through his mind.

He was ready for this all to settle down and for Evelyn to be back and for everyone to be happy again. He was ready to fall back into their old patterns. 


I just read an amazing Beomgyu book (it's not complete yet) but I love it!!

It's Heartless Choi Beomgyu by 

Love it so much I stayed up late af reading it!

I was wondering does anyone know any great Taehyun ffs? I'd really like enemies to lovers or something with a lot of tension/humor/feet kicking/breath-holding moments in it tho lol. I don't really want a fluff book. 

If you have any books pls lmk bc I need to fulfill my need for some good Taehyun moments

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