Chapter 67

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Break and Heal~

"Evelyn, wake up honey."

I snap my eyes open as I hear a voice I haven't heard in such a long time. And, even though it had been a long time since I had heard her voice. I knew right away it was my mothers sweet loving voice that called out to me.

I blink a few times as I sit up. Where ever I was, it was so bright it took me a moment to adjust my vision.

"Mom?" I call out. My heart clenched as I got to my feet.

"I'm right here." And she was. She was just suddenly there a few feet in front of me.

I knew it was no trick of a demon or of my own tired mind. I could feel it. Feel her.

She was linked to my soul just as I was to her. She gave birth to me, gave me life.

"Mom." A sob burst out as I felt so many emotions rush through me. Love and guilt being the strongest of them all. "Mama." I say again as I sprint for her.

I crash into her warm waiting arms.

"Oh, sweetie." My mom cooed as I sobbed into her shoulder. "You have been through so much."

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault you all died." I sob even harder and try to pull away as guilt over took me to the point I thought my throat was going to close up.

"Stop, baby. I'm here. We're all okay. We may be gone from the human world now, but we're somewhere so much better. And now, I know what all you have had to endure without us... without me there to help my little girl."

I couldn't keep the tears back. I just could not pull myself together. I felt so ashamed of what I had done. If I had let myself die, they would all be alive in the human world. My dad, mom, sisters, and step father.

Demons had taken them all from me because the universe had brought me back twice.

"Stop thinking so bad of yourself. There are big plans out there for you. You did end up stopping the lord of chaos from coming back. Hard to believe you technically saved the world. All because how stubborn and strong willed you are. All because you're my daughter."

I shook my head at her words. She was always to kind for her own good.

"Everyone else wants to see you... but sadly someone is pulling you from the human side. Very hard may I add." She let's me pull back this time as she tilts her head to the side, thinking. "You were even blessed with new people who are linked to you forever."

My mothers smile cracked my heart even more. She looked and felt so alive, so solid. But, I knew she was nothing more then a spirit now.

"I maybe a spirit, but I am so well and so alive. Honey, we all have pure peace here. And here I can actually watch over you. I know everything that has happened now. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

I shake my head quickly as my sobs had now turned to hiccups. "Please, don't ever feel bad for not knowing. I left you all behind to try and save you." I bow my head as my next words leave my lips. "But, I fail at everything... I just never thought I would lose you all permanently."

My mom places her hand under my chin, tilting it up so gently that my heart squeezed even tighter.

"Evelyn, never ever think you're a failure. You're not. You also haven't lost us, we're in your heart. We're linked to your soul. Now that you have removed that vile thing from your soul. You will feel us when needed."

She takes a few steps back as she smiles so sweetly and warmly at me, I felt as if I was really a little girl again and there was nothing that could ever hurt me as long as I looked at that smile of hers.

"I have to go now, your soulmate is really tugging hard on you now. Everyone says they love you so much. Evelyn, always remember, I am so proud of you. You may never believe it. But, no one could ever ask for a better daughter, or sister then you. None of us will ever blame you for what happened, either. Now, take on your task and know, you can do anything you set your mind to."


As I woke, I knew there was one thing I could not do. No matter how hard I ever tried. Or anything I ever did. I could never, ever bring them back here with me.

"Evelyn... are you awake?" Yeonjun's soft voice called out gently.

I take a deep breath in through my nose as I open my eyes.

I could feel it all. All the bonds that had been suppressed by Andromalius.

The bond with Yeonjun was calling out to me the strongest. It was so strong that when I turned my head, tears of joy sprung to my eyes. Still, guilt weighed so heavily on me, those happy tears faded into sorrow.

"What's wrong?" Yeonjun asked as he got up from his chair and walked over to my bed.

I reach out and snatch his hand from by his side. "Please, hold me." I beg as I feel my heart break and mend at the same time.

My family was okay, even at peace now. They were proud of me. They were watching over me now. They knew what all I did to keep them away from this mess. They didn't blame me for what had happened.

But, I would always carry the weight that it was all my fault. If I had just died, none of this would have happened. And, if I had died I would have never met my new family. I wouldn't have this new family. I wouldn't have ever gained these people who would fight to the death for me.

I have people that have literally been to hell and back for me. Have went across the world for me. Have fought so hard for me.

"Evelyn, do you want to talk?" Yeonjun questioned as he pulled me sideways into his chest.

"I saw my mom." Was all I said and it was all I needed to say for him.

I had no idea how long we had laid there in each others arms. I just knew my whole body ached and my throat was so dry I had to keep trying to work up and swallow any saliva I could gather in my mouth. But, I had no intentions of moving.

Yeonjun had always been a comfort place to me since I came back, but now that I could feel the bond again. I felt as if his arms were a warm bed of comfort matched to no other. It felt as if I had finally came home after a long hard battle.

"Yeonjun... how do you feel now that the bond is back?" I did finally ask after another hour had passed. My voice was hoarse and rough, but I still didn't care to move.

"I feel like I'm home once again. I never stopped loving you and I always found comfort when I was around you, but now that it is back... It's like I found a piece of me that I never knew was missing."

I nod my head. I was glad he felt the same way as I did.

"I love you." I whisper as I close my eyes and tuck my head into his chest. I was so close I could hear the way his heart beat picked up it's pace a little at my words.

He bends his neck and places his face into my hair. "I love you too, Evelyn. You mean the universe to me."

My heart was still slowly breaking and healing as I drifted off into a deep soul healing sleep in his arms.


Sorry for the wait😭

Idk if this filler is good, but I tried. I also did write this at like midnight last night so sorry if it does stink a lil.

I hope yall are doing great! Thank you all for all the love and support as always!!! It means so much to me😭💛🩵

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