Chapter 60

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"You mean just as much as any of us." Beomgyu said as he stepped next to me.

I bit my lip to help hold the tears back. "I have to go after him, he could already be facing Andromalius."

"We will figure this all out, we can't make any rash decisions and put others in danger."

I turn and look over everyone. Dumah's face was blank and unmoving as our eyes met. "I'll be in my room then." I say after a moment.

I turn on my heel and open the door to my room, slamming it a little harder then needed.

I lean back on the door and grit my teeth before slamming my head back into the door a few times.

"You're going to kill off any braincells you have left."

"Rerek, now is not the time."

"Stop pouting and go after him."

"I can't teleport to hell?" I reply as I step away from the door and head for my bed.

"Says who? You? Them? You don't know if you can or not, you've never tried it. You've been to hell a few times, it should be pretty easy. Especially since you have me to help you navigate it."

"You're always so cocky." I lean my face into my hands a I think it over. I could try to get to hell, but I wasn't sure I should try. What if I went to the wrong area of hell and can't find Yeonjun? What if I get there and can't get us back?

"It's not being cocky, it's called being sure of what you can and can't do. You're not sure you can do this, but you're also not sure you can't... One way to figure out which on it is."

I quickly get to my feet and head for my closet, grabbing a pair of boots that Soobin gave to me for missions. The boots had a secret pocket in both of them to place knives.

I slide them on and tie them as tightly a I could. "If this goes south, it's all your fault." I snap out loud.

"You talking to me or yourself? Because if you're talking to me, it's not my fault you're madly in love and can't let your fallen angel go."


I teleport to the weapons room, looking over the wall carefully.

"Grab everything that' shiny and sharp."

"Why are you so talkative?" I ask as I grab one of the back packs that were stored on the opposite wall of the weapons.

I open it up and make sure all the normal supplies were still in it. Water, some non perishable foods, rope, a small knife, fire starter. I then had back to the weapons and grab two swords, four different knives.

"Because I'll be the closest I'll ever get to my body again... and we might be spilling a good amount of demon blood. Chaos."

"Ugh, you sound so creepy when you say that." I shake my head and focus on tie the swords strap around my waist. "I hope this goes well."

I drop my hands and close my eyes as I take a deep breath in. I focus on where Yeonjun had found parts of my soul. I wanted to get close enough to make sure he wasn't around Andromalius, but not to close just in case he wasn't there. I didn't want to just hand myself over to Andromalius just like that. I have things to do before we meet.

Taehyun snapped his eyes open a he felt Evelyn's presence vanish. "Fuck."

He rushes towards his door, and down the hall to the living room where the others were waiting on word from Dumah.

"I think Evelyn just went to hell." Taehyun called out as he leaned on the back of the couch. His body was still worn out from the fight with the dark magic.

Soobin snapped his head around, his eyes wide. "How would she get there?"

"She had to have teleported." Taehyun replied.

"She's becoming a strong as Yeonjun, and reckless." Soobin ran a hand down his face as he let out a long stressed breath.

"They are soul mates after all." Beomgyu chuckled a little, but snapped his mouth shut when he caught Soobin glaring at him. "Not the time, got it."

Soobin pulled his phone out and hit Dumah's number, he would have to let her know.

"What do you mean you know?" Soobin's eyes were wide once more.

"I told her to go." Dumah didn't exactly tell her to go, she had just hoped Evelyn would catch the look she was giving her. "She was right, we didn't have time to wait on a demon to agree to find him, and even if I did find one... I had a feeling Yeonjun would just them in this state."

Soobin hung up after bidding their boss a goodbye.

"I can't believe how rash Dumah was..." Huening Kai said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I never knew she could be sly either." Beomgyu added.

"She knew were didn't have time... She thinks Evelyn is our best bet at getting Yeonjun back." Soobin was shocked by their boss a well, but they couldn't do anything about it. She was their boss.

"What if she's wrong? If she is, we may have just lost them both." Taehyun pushed off the back of the couch and headed back to his room. He needed to get to hell, but he was to weak to do anything.


I knew I was in hell before I even opened my eyes. The stench was a dead giveaway.

"The air smells so sweet." I could just see him, leaning his head back and closing his snake eyes.

"This air is disgusting. I'll have to burn these clothes because the smell will never come out of them." I open my eyes, knowing they were red and black.

"Well, well... what brings you here, human?"

My eyes meet a pair of red and silver ones.

"I'm immortal now, thanks to you." I reply as I pull my eyes away from him. I scanned the walls for Yeonjun, then the fire below.

"Step closer, maybe you'll find what you're looking for." Andromalius said with a smirk. His skin was burnt off his whole body for a few minutes, showing all of his teeth and bones.

I bite down on my tongue to keep my stomach from turning. "I know better then to cross over that line."

Suddenly Andromalius was just a few feet away from me, glaring down at me. "This is all your fault! If you didn't get that damn fallen angel to fall for you, I could have taken your whole soul for myself!" He yelled out as he hit the invisible barrier that kept him locked in the cave.

"No, it was your fault for being a greedy demon and getting to far ahead of yourself." I reply with a smile. "At least you'll never grow cold or lonely here."

I turn on my heel and start to head out. Yeonjun wasn't here so there was no need for me to stay here.

"You'll die out there! You're still to weak, even now!"

I open my hand, red smoke burst from the tips of my fingers and shot into the ground. I turn and take a few steps back until I was just a few inches away from the fuming demon.

"You're wrong about that, I'm not weak anymore..." I bring my hand up and wrap the red smoke around Andromalius' neck. "Soon enough you'll pay for my families lives with your own."

I throw my hand out, sending Andromalius slamming into the wall opposite of the door way.

"Look who's acting cocky now."

I turn and head back down the tunnel. "No, I was just sure I could do that."


Sorry for the wait guys! Been busy helping family with stuff😮‍💨 I'm exhausted lol.

How are all of y'all doing? I hope you're all doing great💛

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