Chapter 62

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"Why did you come here?" I asked, I wanted to know if my thoughts on him coming here to kill Andromalius were right.

"I think you already know why. That's why you're here, right? To make sure I didn't break the promise I had made?" He quirked a brow as he slid his tongue over his bottom lip.

My eyes had followed that movement. I snap my eyes back up to his. "Yes." No reason to lie about why I came here.

"You know what's crazy about the good side of me?" I straightened my body a little as he seemed to become serious. "You on know I have this dark side... this side that craves dark things." He brought his free hand up and grabbed a piece of my hair, rolling it between his fingers. "Some desires aren't that bad... but there are two that the good side keeps buried as deep as it keeps me."

My breath for some reason became shallow as he seemed to be looking into my soul with those dark eyes.

"Two desires... do you want to know them?" He asked with a bright smirk, like a child telling a secret they had been told to never bear to another soul.

I pondered if I wanted to know what Yeonjun kept buried so deep that it rested deep in his mind with the dark side of him.

"The first you may already know, that's why we're here. The second..." he trailed off with a low chuckle. His eyes trailed to the hand that still played with my hair. "The second is you."

My breath caught in my throat a second as he met my gaze again, this time there was light in those dark eyes. The light of a deep rooted desire.

"Even the good side of me... He thinks darkly. He thinks of how he wants to rip you away from everyone and just have you to himself." His hand dropped my hair as it came up to cup my cheek. "How he has fought that urge from the day he met you. Every day, it gets harder on him."

I tilt my head back as he bends his head down, his lips brushing the shell of my ear.

"Thanks to me. I whisper to him, telling him to do it. That you belong to him and he knows it. He needs to show the world that you're his and they should never touch you unless they want to face his wrath."

I couldn't take a breath in, my throat was too tight as he dipped his head down more. His lips brushed my neck softly, leaving a hot trail on my skin wherever they touched.
"Yeonjun..." I managed to breathe out. I didn't know how to feel in the moment. We had kissed many of times. Softly, roughly, quick and hot, soft and slow. This feeling... it was stirring something deep in me that I didn't know if it was right or not to feel.

He pulled back and I opened my eyes panting slightly. My mind was fogged by how easily he had made my knees weak just by brushing his lips on my neck.

"Your eyes." He grinned and I knew why.

I close my eyes and will them to go back to normal.

"You have the same desire, don't you?" It wasn't a question, it was a statement. My eyes had shown that I did, indeed want to do things that had been pushed deep into my mind.

"I don't have time for this." I say as I grab his collar and crash my lips to his.

He let out a growl? As his hands went to my waist, pulling me harshly into him.

For a second I had almost forgotten my plan. The heat of the kiss, the rush of blood as we kissed so roughly. We had never kissed like this before. But, I had to get him home.

I let him lead me in the kiss as my mind went to focusing on getting us out of here.

I knew we had made it thanks to the familiar smell and the way I heard Beomgyu gasp at the sight of us.

Before Yeonjun could think, I had him locked in with dull red smoke.

I step away and slump into the wall behind me. "Fix him, hurry." Getting us home had drained me so much I could hardly focus on keeping Yeonjun in place, not that he even fought back.

His smirk grew as his eyes stayed locked with mine. "That was a great trick... but I know you enjoyed it as much as I did. Even the good side knows it. He would never admit it, but he enjoyed it deeply too."

I ripped my eyes away from his and met a pair of golden ones. "Fix him, please."

Taehyun and Dumah both step closer to him. Blue magic and gold light start to cover Yeonjun, slowly blinding everyone in the room.

I let the smoke fall into thin air as my arm gave out. I knew I didn't have to hold him anymore seeing as his eyes were back to their warm brown selves.

I let my back slide down the wall. I was drained, mentally and physically after that ordeal. Yeonjun's dark words echoed in my mind as I could still feel the ghost of his lips on my neck. The same feeling from then twisted in my gut and I closed my eyes, worried they may change on their own again.

"Come on, let's get you some food," Taehyun said as he stepped in front of me, a hand outstretched for me to take.

My eyes go past him, watching as Soobin helps Yeonjun to his room.


Hey everyone! It's been a min😮‍💨 the holidays were crazy and I'm so glad to be home and able to relax a lil lol.

Did you all have fun? Eat some good food?

I got 3 books. A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Court of Mist and Fury, Savage Lover.

And oml Throns and Roses was so good in my opinion.

I'm going to read Savage Lover next bc my bf gave it to me😅 and I don't want him to think I don't like the book.

My laptop is officially fucked tho. From where it got coffee spilt on it a while back the B,N and ? Don't work. So, back to writing on my phone😮‍💨

Sorry if this part was a lil much, but I felt like their intimate life has been a lil boring. No SEX tho! I will not write sex scenes. Hot spicy, yes. But no sex. Sorry.

Hope you're all doing great! I might update again today, but I'm not sure bc I wanna read tf outta my new books😭

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