1st Chapter: The Man of Black and Gold

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Couple weeks later......



The loud ringing of a high bell that makes Lucas opens his eyes, him reaching for his phone on the black nightstand of his and going to look at the time, it showing six in the morning, around the normal time he always gets up.

He honestly doesn't even know why he sets an alarm anymore. He pulls the black covers off of him, going to put in his AirPods. He proceeds onto going to put on some basketball shorts, putting his phone in his pocket and going to turn up his music before going to leave out of the room.

He makes his way outside, him taking the time to have a run outside. He looks around as he runs, him going to run around the neighborhood and get the layout of different places and areas. After he is done running he goes back to the mansion, inputting the code then his thumbprint and lastly letting the scanner scan his face before the gates open, him making his way back inside.

He jump ropes outside before going back in the house and going to the weight room to use the last thirty minutes of his time to lift weights and do bench presses and other exercises, him looking at the time on his phone to see that it is seven.

Time for the first day.

He goes back in his room, him taking off his AirPods before stripping himself down and going to shower, him doing his normal routine of shaving where he needs to and bathing and washing his hair before making his way out of the shower, him wrapping a towel around his waist.

He rubs his hand along the mirror to see himself more from the steam, him looking at the scars that he has along his chest and stomach. He first looks at the three long scared marks that are parallel that is on his chest.

Lucas screams out as the sharp silver claws go on his skin, blood trickling from his chest, him struggling as he hits the hard body on top of him.

Lucas stares at himself in the mirror, a blank expression being written on his face. His eyes spot the scar on his left hip.

Lucas cries out as a knife goes in his left hip, him screaming out as it is twisted. "No!"

Lucas chest puffs up as he takes a breath in, and it going back down as he releases. The scars are not excessive, they are scarce but they are still there. Even though they have healed they are still there, and they are still noticeable.

He turns on the water, him going to brush his teeth and wash his face then going to shave his face. After he is done he dries himself off, him going back to his room and going into his walk-in closet.

Most of his wardrobe consist of black, it is his favorite color after all. Many consider the color dark, and most likely it means if the color is so liked and desired it means that you are a sociopath or just dark, but the color means power, the color is sophistication, the color is respect and the color is intimidation.

The color is glory.

Lucas goes in his closet, him going to put on his black socks first. He next puts on his black suit pants, him putting on his buttoned up black shirt next and tucks it into his pants, putting on his black Gucci belt. He puts on his black clearly polished shoes, going to tie them before buttoning up his shirt, him picking out a gold tie and going over to his mirror.

He perfectly does his tie, him adjusting his collars down while looking at himself. He puts on his silver tie clip on before rolling up his sleeves to his elbows before putting on his black and gold watch on his left wrist, also going to put on his two golden thick rings on his middle fingers, each holding a symbol of a tumbleweed, a cactus and a large tree.

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