17th Chapter: In the Clear?

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"So what did you find out with talking with Regina's friends?" Erica questions, her and Lucas walking down the crowded hallway as everyone goes to make their way out of the school since it is dismissal time, everyone they walk past getting out of the way for them.

"Edward Spark, we need to look into him." Lucas says.

"You need to look into him, I still need to look into calculations to see if Karen is running a whole drug operation." Erica responds.

"Okay yeah." Lucas nods. "Basically the guy is sick, and based on what they were saying Regina scored his number which is rare for any girl to get here since apparently he has a thing for college girls. But somehow she ends up dying while in bondage and now he's MIA."

"Definitely sounds like he needs to be looked into." Erica nods.

"So that's what I'm going to be doing after school, then I need to see why Jane was arrested and what was found, Max is supposed to be telling me." Lucas explains. "What about you how do you plan on finding out calculations?"

"When you play your cards right you can get a girl to tell you anything." Erica replies.

"Let me guess, Holly." Lucas smiles at her.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Oh no reason."

Erica rolls her eyes. "I need to see how much specifically she spends in each thing or at least around that, but honestly how can that not sound suspicious it doesn't matter how I would ask, so my goal is just getting into mail or some bills at the house."

"So you're going to be at her house?" Lucas smiles.

"Okay I don't know why you are smiling." Erica puts her hand out.

"Just never seen you hang around a girl so much before." Lucas puts his hands in his pockets while they walk.

"I'm doing it for the investigation." Erica responds.

"Just saying you like the girls with the big mouths and confidence. Holly is definitely one of those girls." Lucas looks over at her.

"And you sure like going over to Max's place every other night." Erica looks back at him.

"That's different." Lucas shakes his head.

"How is that different?"

"We haven't had sex."


Lucas rolls his eyes, both of them stopping when two cops go to stand in front of them, both him and Erica just quirking their eyebrows at them. "Officers."

"Mister and Misses Sinclair—"

"Just Erica and Lucas we are not our parents." Erica holds her hand out.

"Very well. Come with us please." He motions.

"No we rather stay here." Lucas replies.

"We just wish to speak with you all privately."

"Barely anyone around here." Erica looks around a little bit.

"It's...a whole hallway—"

"What is it? I have somewhere to be." Lucas deadpans at them.

"Our Chief wanted to let you both know that you both are in the clear." One of the officers say. "Erica multiple witnesses saw you....being intimate with Holly Wheeler on the couch."

Lucas looks over at her, Erica just shrugging her shoulders simply in response.

"And Lucas...the umm...."

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