57th Chapter: Be safe, My boy

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Max feels herself wake up as her alarm sounds, her going to raise up a little while she wipes her eyes. She looks over at Lucas, seeing how he lays asleep on his back, one of his arms being under the pillow under his head and his other arm being rested on his chest.

Max goes to slowly raise up, her going to take the covers away from her. She goes to slip on the clothes she was wearing yesterday before she rounds the bed and goes over to Lucas, her going to softly kiss him on the lips.

Max feels how his lips slowly begin to move against hers, Max smiling softly into the kiss, her tucking her hair behind her, them softly pulling away after a minute, her seeing how he slowly begins to open his eyes.

"Hi." Max smiles. "How are you feeling?" The back of her hand goes to his forehead.

Lucas nods a little bit. "Better than yesterday."

"That's good. Here let me check your temperature." Max says, her going to grab the thermometer out of the bathroom before going back over to Lucas, going to put the thermometer in his mouth, her waiting a few more moments before taking it out of his mouth and looking at the temperature. "Okay you are at 100 so at least it is going down—"

Lucas coughs hard while going to raise up, him grabbing some Kleenex and him going to blow his nose, him going to put his tissue in the trash before laying back on the bed and groaning in annoyance. "Being sick is bullshit." He murmurs.

Max smiles while she goes to sit besides him when he raises up. "You have to let yourself recover Lucas, so no going outside because it is to cold. Just stay in here make some soup get some rest watch some TV."

"I can't just sit and look at a TV screen all day." Lucas shakes his head.

"Then look at a phone screen." Max shrugs.

Lucas shakes his head a little while he looks back ahead of him. "That's practically the same thing."

"Whatever you'll find something to do." Max goes to stand up. "Until then I still have to go to stupid school to not stir up suspicion but first I have to get home to get a shower and change, and bring some clothes back here. I'm just...going to be staying here if that's okay...with you."

Lucas smiles while he leans his head on the pillow, him going to lay back. "Since when do you ask for permission?"

"Okay you have a point there." Max shrugs, her going to grab her bag. "I'll see you after school."

"See you." He responds, him watching as she goes towards the door. "Wait." He tells her, Max looking back at him. "Come here." He motions while patting his lap.

Max slowly puts down her bag while looking at him. "You need anything else?" Lucas pats his lap once again while looking at her. "Lucas what..."

"Don't think just do, come on." He motions.

Max goes over to him, her going to straddle him as her hands go on his shoulders. "Yeah?"

"Just want to wish you a good day." His arms go around her.

"Thank...mm." Max hums when he begins to kiss her. Max can't help but kiss him back, her feeling how his hands go on her hips and he grounds her against him, him raising his hips a little up for him to meet the motion.

"Lucas..." Max tries while he guides her hips to rock against him, her feeling the tent in his boxers. "No no." Max pulls away from him, him groaning in complaint while she leaves his lap. "You're injured you need to recover. Erica warned me about your stubbornness so nothing strenuous. The weight room door is locked."

Lucas head goes back a little bit, him beginning to cough hard before he can say anything.

Max just shakes her head with a smile as she grabs her bag from the floor. "Take your morning dose Lucas, and put those antibiotics on your wounds."

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