69th Chapter: Unlocking Another Side

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Max begins to slowly wake up from the alarm on her phone that begins to sound, her taking her head off of Lucas chest and rolling over to her other side to dismiss the alarm, Lucas still being sound asleep on his back with just his lower body covered.

Max can't help but smile as she looks at his peaceful expression while he is asleep. It is hard for her to get up because of the soft black sheets on his bed along with the thick comforter as well, but her going on and getting up and standing on her sore legs, her body being a little exhausted from the training lessons he was giving her, and when they became distracted from the training lessons.

Max goes to grab her clothes and her body wash and everything before she goes over to the bathroom, her going to turn on the shower water before she gets in the large glass box, all four shower heads hitting her and her putting her head back with her eyes closed, her just enjoying the feeling of the hot water hitting her before she goes to begin washing her hair.

She gets done washing her hair and shaving lightly when she feels Lucas hands snake around her waist, her eyes going to close while she leans on him, her hair being all on one shoulder as she combs through it with her fingers. "Morning." Max greets.

"Good morning." Lucas answers.

Max closes her eyes and tilts her head to the side when he begins to kiss the side of her neck, her never being able to stop the feeling of the nerves and the sensations that it causes, each kiss sending her to heaven it seems like.

One of her arms go around his head, her feeling as he begins to suck on her neck while his hands grope her breasts, Max sighing in pleasure as her head goes more back, her other hand reaching behind her to grab his length, beginning to stroke and slowly pump his head.

Lucas growls lowly against her neck, grazing his teeth up her neck while one of his hands trail down her stomach and finds her clit, him beginning to rub her clit in a quick pace while sucking on her neck, Max beginning to breath more harder and it beginning to turn more labored, her biting her bottom lip softly.

Lucas goes to pin her against the shower wall, her front colliding with the wall as her head turns to the side, her cheek being against the wall. He kicks her legs apart, him aligning his cock with her entrance before pushing inside of her.

"Fuck!" Max's head goes back, him going to take her hands and hold them against the shower wall on either side of her, his fingers going in between hers.

Lucas pelvis slaps against her ass hard, the sounds being louder due to their bodies being wet. Lucas has her earlobe rested on the bottom set of his teeth, his deep groans and moans of pleasure making her pant and whimper softly in pleasure, her mouth opening more when her back slowly arches, feeling how he groans more harder as he sinks in more deeper inside of her.

"Stay just like that, stay just like that." Lucas tells her.

"Fuck...oh that feels so good." Max breaths more, Lucas slamming into her harder.

Lucas pulls out and turns her around, him going to pick her up and put her against the wall. He pushes back inside of her easily, both of them sounding in union as he begins to slam into her harder.

The more her nails dig and scratch his skin the more he groans against her lips, his head slowly going back with his eyes closed, Max's hands sliding down his chiseled chest, her hand slapping against the shower wall the quicker in pace he goes. "Fuck Lucas!"

Lucas front presses against hers more, him going to slow his rhythm into a grinding motion inside of her, Max's eyes fluttering shut as they roll back, her nails doing to dig into his back more. Max whimpers higher when he bites her neck, groaning more in pleasure the harder her nails go in his skin.

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