36th Chapter: Seeing Things

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The gold car goes to pull in front of the Town Hall building that is connected to the Mayor's office, the engine roaring a little before it shuts off along with the lights, the evening time beginning to be seen around the sky.

Lucas goes to make his way out of the car, him going to adjust his gold tie a little bit before going to close the door behind him. His hands go in his pockets while he looks up at the building, him going to make his way over to the door.

"Okay you can go like the sympathizers approach saying how you have three kids and you can't imagine loosing them." Josephine starts while she paces back and forth in front of Joyce's desk, Joyce sitting at her desk with her chair turned to the side while playing a little with her pen in her hand, her legs being crossed. "Then you can tie that into saying you are going to do everything you need to do for the city and make sure it is safe because not only do you have to protect the community you also have to protect your kids."

"Yeah but I feel like every politician with kids uses that, I don't want to be the same generic Mayor I guess." Joyce shrugs.

"Yeah but if you think about it Jane was arrested for being a accomplice to the murder of Regina which we later found out it was a misunderstanding, and when this whole thing started with Regina a whole lot of people and students thought Jonathan was the one that did it. But still despite that when Jane went to jail she didn't receive any kind of special treatment, nor is Jonathan as of right now. Use that Joyce, because no matter what you do treat people equally." Josephine explains.

Joyce smiles softly, her leaning back in her seat a little bit more. "Yeah that was really hard on him, harder than he wants to admit."

"How's he doing?" Josephine goes to sit down in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

"I don't know." Joyce shakes her head. "When it comes to jail prison either of those they have to contact you you can't contact them, he hasn't even...." Joyce trails off a little, her blinking a little more.

"Joyce I'm so sorry." Josephine tells her softly.

Joyce nods a little bit. "I am truly sorry for what he did to Steve Jose. He's just...he's struggled all the time in school. Don't get me wrong all of them have but things got better for Will and Jane when they met Max. That's why I love her so much she took them in under her wings and made School fun for them, now they are doing their own things have more friends, first they were shy and closed in, Max brought them out."

Josephine smiles. "Yes Max, one firecracker."

Joyce laughs. "Yeah, but with Jonathan he...he's always struggled it doesn't matter how old he got. It's just the more older he got the more better he got at hiding his feelings and pretending everything was fine with him when really it wasn't, and I scold myself so hard that I wasn't paying enough attention." Joyce shakes her head. "Things became worse in high school, but I just kept telling myself he has one more year left and I wouldn't have to worry about his school problems again...until this happened."

Josephine nods her head a little bit. "I do admit Steve was antagonizing him when Jonathan was trying to walk away the video is still everywhere and he admitted that so for that Joyce I'm sorry."

"No it's my fault, I wouldn't be in this position if I paid attention to him more." Joyce replies. "Sorry I'm over here spilling about all of my troubles."

"No worries, we just need to get it out sometimes." Josephine says while standing up. "Look I don't know how it feels like to have a child that struggles in school...well because Steve was liked and he still is liked by everyone."

"Like mother like son." Joyce smiles at her.

Josephine smiles back at her. "Yeah I must say I was the high school sensation." She says making Joyce laugh. "But if you do need someone to talk to about it you can always talk to me, I have a good listening ear."

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