64th Chapter: Money, Power, and Glory

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Max slowly begins to stir awake, her snuggling more in the blankets of the soft memory foam mattress. She slowly begin to open her eyes, not seeing Lucas in the bed with her.

She can smell the musky earthly scent of his cologne, her raising up to see him across the room with his back turned to her. He stands in front of the full length mirror, him being dressed in black suit pants that fit him well, them not being to tight but not to loose either, him wearing a black buttoned up shirt that is tucked into his pants with a gold vest over it, his black polished shoes being on as well.

"Shit am I late?" Max questions while she reaches for her phone.

Lucas looks at her through the mirror while he puts on his watch. "No you're not. I just got up early for a workout." He says while going to begin doing his gold tie.

Max goes to get up, her going over towards Lucas and looking at him as he effortlessly do his tie while looking in the mirror with a stoic expression on his face. "You do it like it is so easy."

"It is." He replies.

"That's the Windsor knot though, the hardest tie knot to do."

Lucas stops, him looking over at her. "You know the Windsor knot?"

"Yeah I always help my Dad with his tie when he has meetings with his team." Max shrugs. "Lord knows my mom can't do it."

Lucas smiles, him turning back to look in the mirror. "Maybe I'll let you tie my ties then."

"Okay." Max smiles, her looking at the clock to see that it is almost seven. "I am going to go on and get ready."

Lucas nods his head, Max going to get her small suitcase before going to get in the bathroom.

Max smiles to herself, her going to get in the shower and do practically everything, her going to wash and condition her hair as well before she makes her way out of the shower. After she is done she leaves out of the shower, her preparing herself with getting ready.

Lucas gets done with his tie, him going to sit down in the swivel chair and put the side of his ankle on his knee in a leg crossing manner, him going to his phone and going to dial Robert's number, going to put it to his ear.

"Hey there Lucas!"

"Hey Robert." Lucas greets. "I am in the state, I am going to be making my rounds here in the state before moving onto different others."

"Okay, when should I expect you?"

"Let's say..." Lucas says while looking at his watch. "...about three maybe, or four."

"Alright, see you then Lucas, and again thank you."

"You're welcome Robert, and thank you for all of your help." Lucas says.

"Course, see you later."

"See you."

Lucas hangs up the phone, him going to begin scrolling through his phone and looking through his calendar, him adding in some extra things on it.


Lucas scrolls through his phone more, him going to look at his watch before looking back at the bathroom door. "Max, come on hurry up."

"I'm coming!" She calls out.

"You said that ten minutes ago." Lucas says back.

"I'm getting pretty!"

Lucas shakes his head with a eye roll, him going to click his phone off and tap his thumb against his ankle. Lucas looks up when the bathroom door opens, Max making her way outside.

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