38th Chapter: Little Suspicions

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Lucas and Max both lay in the bed together, Max's arm and leg being over Lucas body as she sleeps, her head being rested on his chest. One of his hands scratch her back softly while his other hand is on her thigh that is over him, the thin silk red bedsheet covering their lower bare bodies.

Lucas lays on his back, him looking aimlessly up at the ceiling, him occasionally looking down at Max as he listens to her soft little snores. She smells good, she always does, she feels so soft and warm as she always does, seeming like her body fits in perfectly with his.

Max snuggles closer to him while asleep, the way he scratches her back sending her into a deep sleep.

Lucas goes to let his nose rest on the top of her head, breathing in the smell of her shampoo and conditioner. He loves how soft her smell goods are, them not being so loud and obnoxious like other girls smells, hers just being a sweet and soft scent that he enjoys.

Lucas turns to look towards his phone when it rings, him reaching for it and looking at the caller ID before answering it. "Jim Hopper." Lucas acknowledges. "Must say this is a surprise."

"Trust me I wouldn't be doing this but seeing as how I'm barely getting any leads and things are dragging like a snail I have no other choice." Hopper says while he sits at his desk in the station. "I know it's late, sorry if I woke you."

"I'm awake, what's going on?"

"Will and Jane told me about your expertises plus I know how you helped my daughter get out of jail, I appreciate that." Hopper mentions. "Which is why I need your brain and also your help."

Lucas slowly brings Max's head on the pillow before raising up, her snuggling a little on the bed, her still being asleep. "You sound like you have a little something." Lucas sits up.

"I do." Hopper starts. "Joyce told me you were suspecting the Angels of Death so I did some digging and checking out."

"What did you find?" Lucas questions.

"Can you meet me at the station?" Hopper questions. "This is a active investigation I don't want to be giving details over the phone. I'm not even supposed to be telling you this anyways but....I'm out of options."

"Yeah I'll be there in fifteen." Lucas replies.


Lucas hangs up the phone, him looking back at Max before he gets up from the bed. He goes to first put on his boxers then his suit pants, putting on his shoes before putting his arms in the sleeves of his unbuttoned shirt.

Max stirs awake and goes to turn to face where he is, seeing him buttoning up his shirt. "Where are you going?" She questions in a tired tone.

Lucas looks up at her, him going to crouch down in front of her as he gets done buttoning up his shirt. "I have to go on and get going." He tells her, Max sending him a little pout. "Don't give me that face."

Max smiles softly as he strokes her cheek with the back of his fingers. "Are you coming over tomorrow?"

"Yeah I will." Lucas replies.

Max smiles softly at him, her hand playing lightly with his tie that he has on loosely. "Then I'll see you tomorrow."

Lucas sends her a light smile, him going to kiss her on her lips before he raises up, him going over towards the window.


Lucas looks over at her, seeing how she looks at him. "Goodnight Maxine."

"You..." Max tries while grabbing a pillow and going to throw it towards him, him chuckling as he easily dodges the pillow and leaves out of the room, closing the window behind him.

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