5th Chapter: Back to School Party

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A few days later....


"Good morning everyone! And let's congratulate ourselves for almost completing the first week of school!" Jane says over the speakers around the school, everyone going to cheer and clap in every single classroom of the school, the teachers clapping with smiles. "Don't forget to attend the first pep rally of Hawkins High! Our back to school pep rally! Dancing routines of the Hawkins Cheetahs by yours truly!" Jane motions towards herself, most of the boys going to whistle highly in the classrooms.

"Also, be sure to attend Max Mayfield's back to school party!" Jane says making everyone cheer out loudly, Max just sending a light wink with a smile. "We know her parties are always the best. Also! Elections are coming up for my mother as Mayor! Teachers, seniors who are eighteen, don't forget to vote for her, and my election for Student body President is approaching quickly, don't forget to vote! And love you Mike! Bye!"

Mike chuckles a little in his seat, the football boys around him going to push him playfully.

"Alright class lets continue to work on our pathogens." The teacher says. "I know it's Friday we're all excited for the parties and pep rally's. But right now we need to focus on school work. Remember junior year is the hell year to cram school work in before a easy senior year, so get to working before you all get behind." The teacher says, her going to sit down at her desk and beginning to type on her keyboard.

Lucas wears his AirPods while he does his schoolwork on his laptop. He doesn't even have to bother to look besides him when he feels someone sit by him, him just continuing to look at his laptop.

When he feels a tap on his shoulder he slowly looks towards his side, seeing a blonde smiling at him while waving, him taking out a AirPod from his ear and going to quirk an eyebrow at her.

"How much do you bench press? Three or three fifty?" She smiles. "You're so muscular."

Lucas just looks at her, him honestly getting tired of all of the stupid ass questions. "Why does it matter?"

"Everything about you matters." She responds. "Are you going to be at the party?"


Betty and Lucas look up, seeing how Max leans her forearms on the wide desk, her being in front of Betty. "Why the hell did your parents give you a old lady name?" Max questions.

"It's not a old lady name." Betty defends.

"It really is." Max nods. "Go go now, I need to talk to Mister popular over here."

"I'm talking to him."

"And yet look at his bored and quite annoyed face." Max motions towards Lucas, her going to lean closer to Betty. "I think you are annoying him, but that's just my guess." She shrugs.

Betty looks over at Lucas, seeing how he raises his eyebrow at her. She looks back at Max, Max just quirking a brow at her with a light smirk. Betty just sighs out before she goes to get up, her going to walk away back to her seat.

Lucas just rolls his eyes with a frustrated sigh, Max going to sit on the stool.

"You have way to much patience." Max says. "Why don't you just do like your sister and threaten anyone who tries to get close? Everyone knows to stay out like five feet away from her."

"I'm not the rude typa guy." Lucas responds.

"Well you need to be because these girls are going to be some ravenous wolves." Max says. "They see a rich handsome and famous man and they want first dibs that way they can gloat about it and have clout."

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