15th Chapter: Don't give in...

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Susan stares at her computer screen while she is in the dinning room, her legs being crossed, her still in her business attire of a dark blue blouse and a black pencil skirt, her shoulder length ginger hair being in curls, her heels being off and her going to drink more on her glass of wine.

Susan puts down her glass while looking towards Max when she goes over to the refrigerator. "Any cops come to you today?"

"No didn't see any." Max replies, her going to take out a water from the fridge.

"What's wrong with you?" Susan questions.


"You look pissed."

"I'm just tired." Max shrugs. "Mom it's like eleven at night why are you still working?"

"I run multiple businesses Max plus I'm some peoples business partners and apart of board teams, I'm always busy." Susan replies.

"Well you do you but Josephine told me to tell you to lay off." Max points at her.

"Yeah sure thing." She says while still looking at her computer screen.

"You know working to much causes pre-mature wrinkles and you are only in your mid thirties."

"Night Max."

Max rolls her eyes, her going to get some chips before leaving out of the kitchen, her looking towards the front door when it opens, Sam making his way inside. "I saw you won first place once again."

"Sure did." Sam smiles.

"Your turning skills were a little rusty this match though." Max shrugs.

"Is that why I won?"

Max laughs, her going to go up the stairs. "Goodnight Dad."

"Night Max." Sam responds.

Sam makes his way to the kitchen, him putting down his helmet while looking at Susan. "Dearest." He greets.

Susan looks over at him. "How was the race?"

"Great. Why are you working?" He motions towards her laptop.

"Because I can."

"It's eleven at night Susan."

"Yep that's the time."

Sam goes to round the wide and long table, him going to stand besides her, him pulling the laptop away before he goes to close it.

"Hey I was working on that!" Susan tries to reach for her computer.

"No. In fact me and you are having a little getaway, a staycation." Sam goes to lean closer to her. "No work."

"Yeah I can't do that."

"Oh you can and you will Dearest." Sam replies. "It's been awhile since we had one of those."

"Babe." Susan turns her body to look at him. "I have a lot of things to do."

"So do I, which includes you." Sam leans closer to her. "Come on, I just got done winning yet another race, I have a lot of adrenaline still pumping inside of me that I need to....release."

"Just that one more task—"

"No." Sam says while going to pick her up. "You're coming with me."


"But...nothing." Sam tells her before going to kiss her.

Susan kisses him back, her hand going in his soft thick black hair as he closes the room door behind him, Sam putting her against the wall.

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