45th Chapter: Dead shot Eyes

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Max lays asleep in the bed along with Jane, Will being asleep on a pallet on the carpet floor.

Max turns over when her phone rings, her just sighing out with her eyes closed and going to pick up the phone and put it to her ear. "Who are you and why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

"Max." Mike starts. "I tried Jane and Will but they aren't answering. Are they with you?"

"Yeah but you're calling at..." Max looks at her phone before putting it to her ear. "...six thirty in the morning on Monday for all days. Do you want to get hurt Mike?"

"Lucas and Nancy encountered the killer." Mike deadpans.

"What?!" Max exclaims while raising up fully alerted, Jane and Will going to sit up.

"They were hurt Max, you all need to get to the hospital now."

"Max what is it?" Will questions in a tired voice.

Max's eyes widen while her heart beats more faster, her quickly ripping the covers from her, her lightly tripping from getting off of the bed so quickly.

"Max what?!" Jane tries while she gets up as well.

Holly paces a little back and forth in the hospital waiting room, her hand shaking against her face as she scratches her cheeks lightly in nervousness, Mike being on the phone with everyone.

Sue Charles and Erica quickly make their way inside of the hospital, them going over to Holly. "What happened to my son?!" Sue exclaims.

"I don't know they could barely talk they were in pain." Holly replies.

"Where?" Erica questions.

"At the corner store off East—"

"No where was he stabbed Lucas?" Erica questions quickly.

"I don't know like the...side his side he was holding his side." Holly motions. "Nancy was stabbed twice in the arm." Erica puts her hands on the top of her head in stress, her turning around a little bit. "They said we'll know more in a little bit."

"Okay." Mike goes to stand besides Holly. "This happened around close to six in the morning. We know because my mom got arrested a little bit before Nancy went to grab snacks, so my mom was already arrested prior to this."

"Which means mom isn't the killer." Holly says.

"Maybe Billy?" Mike tries.

"No Billy was arrested prior to Karen Lucas made sure of that." Holly replies.

"Well someone did this to him!" Charles mentions firmly.

"Yeah no shit!" Erica replies.

"We're here!" Max quickly says as her Will and Jane come inside of the hospital.

"What happened?"

"First things first!" Suzie quickly comes inside of the hospital along with Dustin Robin and Vicki. "Okay event took place around six thirty Karen was arrested at six basically and Billy at five thirty. Hopper is still around finding the others affiliated with the group so most likely it is probably the ones that have not been arrested as of yet."

"Then I need names and I need those names fast." Erica says.

"We're on it." Dustin responds.

"This is crazy!" Robin sighs in nervousness.

"Please tell me they are okay?" Vicki says.

"They're not dying or anything they just lost some blood, well like a lot but...the doctors said they would be fine." Holly mentions.

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