67th Chapter: Dates and Conversations

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1 week later.......



Lucas groans in annoyance as Max gets on his back, her going to straddle his bottom and poke his bare back, him being laid on his stomach with his arms under the pillows. "Max get off me."

"Get up get up get up!" Max says excitedly. "We are in Texas and today is the day I take you out to have some fun since you are a boring motherfucker come on!" She pats his back.

"I need more sleep." Lucas comments with his eyes closed.

"Noooo!" Max drags out. "Come on come on come on come on come on come on—"

Max squeals as Lucas tackles her down on the bed, her laughing when Lucas kisses her face and neck all over the place, her laughing more when he tickles her. "No no no don't tickle me! Don't tickle me!" She laughs. "Okay okay you win!"

Lucas goes to lay on his back, him picking up the digital clock and looking at the time. "Is it seriously eleven?"

"Yeah we got back late yesterday with those countless work meetings." Max says while getting up. "Come on I'm hungry and I wanna go to IHOP, then we can get started with our fun day."

"Alright fine." Lucas says.

"Awesome I am just going to get dressed and you can have the bathroom!" Max says as she quickly gets up from the bed, going to make her way inside of the bathroom, her closing the door behind her.

Lucas looks towards his phone when it rings, him going to pick it up and look at it before putting the phone to his ear. "Jane?"

"Hey Lucas." Jane greets, her being in the kitchen making breakfast.

Lucas raises up. "Everything alright?"

"More than okay. I just wanted to tell you thank you again for finding my Aunt. Doctor Lily was able to get treatment medications for me today and I just took them so we'll see how it goes. And the judge appointed 60 hours of community service then the arrest will be off my record so truly, thank you Lucas." Jane explains.

"That's good to hear Jane." Lucas goes to stand up. "How do you feel?"

"Great." Jane smiles.

"Talking with your Aunt went well?"

"It did yeah."

"Look at me!" Max smiles as she comes out of the bathroom.

Lucas looks at her in confusion, seeing how she wears high rise red jeans and long sleeve plaid red and black shirt with the collars down and it being buttoned up, her wearing cowboy boots and a black cowboy hat, her curly hair being down her back.

"How do I look?" Max lightly tips the edge of her hat. "Now all I need is a gun for the Wild West!" She says in a country accent.

"Is that Max?" Jane questions.

"Yes." Lucas answers.

"Who is it?" Max questions.

"It's Jane."

"Oh yes Jane!" Max smiles as she takes Lucas phone, her going to put it to her ear. "Jane hey! Will told me how you talked to Becky how did it go?"

"It went good Max." Jane responds. "She's nice, and I got my diagnosis and my medications."

"Oh really? How do you feel?"

"Well I just took the medications like five minutes ago but I feel great." Jane smiles.

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