46th Chapter: No time to Wallow

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"We don't understand how this could've happened what happened?!" Charles yells.

"I don't know!" Max exclaims angrily while tears run down her face.

"I will do every single interview every single podcast and be on every single station!" Sue says determined. "I swear as soon as they hear this racist deed—"

"It's not racist!" Max tells them. "Someone is framing him the killer is framing him! I don't know how I don't know what evidence was found but it was planted! It was planted I know that for a absolute fact Lucas wouldn't do this he wouldn't!"

Erica stands with her back being turned to them while they all begin to talk at the same time. Her hands are leaned on the kitchen table, her eyes being closed as takes deep breaths, inhaling deeply before exhaling just as deeply, trying to calm down her racing beating heart and how hot her body begins to become, the lightheaded feeling she begins to feel, her slowly going to clench her hands hard.



Erica opens her eyes, her going to turn around to look at Sue Charles and Max. "You all yelling isn't going to solve anything."

"I need to know why he has been arrested! What kind of evidence was found!" Charles throws up his hands. "This is going to be all around news now and it isn't going to be good! I need to know what evidence was found against him."

"Yeah I get that." Erica replies irritably. "Obviously something was planted against him."

"Then find out what it is, I will out this racist—"

"God mother not everything is about fucking race!" Erica tells her firmly, her going to walk off.

Max goes to follow her, Erica coming up to her room and her releasing a deep breath while she lightly paces. "Erica..." Max starts.

"I'm thinking." Erica puts her hands on her hips.

"What are we going to do—"

"I'm thinking!" Erica states firmly.

Max purses her lips a little bit, her putting up her head blinking a little more, her trying to control her tears.

Erica exhales deeply while closing her eyes. "I'm not getting mad at you."

"I know." Max says, her going to wipe her eyes. "Look I can try and go over to Steve's to see if he knows what it was."

Erica nods. "Yeah go do that, I need time to think." Erica goes to sit down.

Max nods her head, her quickly going to leave out of the door, her quickly going to quickly get in her car, her going to drive off.


"Josephine." Joyce softly says, them being in front of the house while cops are there still taking pictures, the body already being out of the house.

"Where's Steve?" Josephine looks around.

"It's okay he's over there with Susan." Joyce points may Susan talking to Steve.

Josephine closes her eyes, her going to sit down on one of the lawn chairs, Joyce going to crouch down in front of her. "He's dead." Josephine says, a blank expression being on her face. "Greg is dead."

"I'm so so sorry Jose." Joyce tells her.

"It's not surprising that he was cheating we've been...having problems for a long time." Josephine motions. "But I still loved him." Her voice cracks.

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