10th Chapter: Investigations

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Max goes to put her phone in the little slide pocket on her red red volleyball shorts, her adjusting her sports bra a little bit while she looks in the mirror at herself. She bobs her head from side to side while her music blasts in her ears, her honestly feeling more better than she did yesterday.

She goes to bring her head down making all of her curly hair go in front of her, her going to put her hair in a ponytail before she brings her head back up, her going to take her phone out of her pocket when it dings, her looking at the message.

Hard Ass: Tick tock.

"God this guy is so impatient!" Max says to herself, she just clicks on the message to make sure it is on read before she closes out of the app, her putting her phone back in her pocket.

She leaves out of her bathroom, her going over to the great door outside of her room and going to leave out of it, her closing and locking the door behind her before she goes down the long spiral stairs, her eventually making it to the main floor, her passing by Susan and Sam in the dinning room, both of them being on their laptops.

"I'm off! Good day!" Max goes to leave out of the door.

"See you Max." Sam says while still looking at his laptop, the door closing behind her. "See? All worth it."

"It only cost you ten grand in funds." Susan shrugs, her eyes still being on her laptop.

Sam takes his eyes from away from his laptop, him looking over at Susan. "What has you looking so intensely on that computer screen?"

"Trying to get under these Sinclair's belts." Asian responds. "In New York they bought out almost every successful business there was there and the owners accepted seeing as how somehow they didn't have a choice. I'm not about to let all of these businesses here including mine get bought out by this malicious people who considers themselves self entitled."

"Well I am going to go to my meeting that I have with my manager." Sam goes to stand up, unbuttoning the button on his suit jacket as he wears a tuxedo. "I'll see you later my dearest." Sam leans forward to kiss her cheek before going over to the door.

"See you." She responds, her eyes still being focused on her laptop as she takes different notes on her screen.

Max runs through the neighborhood, her more so jogging and looking at her Apple Watch to track the number of steps she is taking and the minutes to run to make sure she is meeting her daily goal. She receives waves in the process, Max waving back with a smile as she runs, her eventually making it over to Karen and Ted's house, her going to ring the doorbell.

Ted looks towards the door when the bell rings, him being seated on the couch with just his boxers and shirt on. "Karen someone's at the door."

Karen rolls her eyes, her being in the kitchen cleaning around, the doorbell ringing again. "You know Ted you have these things called legs!" She calls out.

"I've been using them all week working I need a break!" Ted throws his hands up. "What's a man gotta do to receive his relaxation?"

Karen rolls her eyes, her going over to the door when the bell continues to ring, her opening it and smiling at Max. "Max!"

"Hello Misses Wheeler, looking good as always I see." Max smiles.

"Oh you're to sweet." Karen smiles while standing off to the side, letting Max come in. "I don't know who you are here to see but Holly is out Mike is out and Nancy is getting ready to go out."

"Great because I'm here for Nancy." Max replies.

"Yeah she's just up the stairs. You want anything?"

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