53rd Chapter: Tending to Things

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Erica makes her way out of her bathroom, her wearing a robe around her and her going to make sure her room door is locked, the fire being lit in the fireplace, her going to pour herself a bottle of wine before going to drink some, her going to sit at her desk and turn on her computer system, turning on all three of her monitors while drinking some of her wine.

She looks towards her phone when it rings, her looking to the caller ID to see that it is Max. "Max? Everything okay?"

"Erica Lucas just told me that he thinks his parents are responsible for the bounty on his head." Max paces her room while Lucas is asleep in her bed.

"That wouldn't be surprising." Erica shrugs simply.

Max throws up her hand lightly. "How is your reaction that calm?"

"Because." Erica replies simply while drinking more of her wine. "I automatically assume the worst in people."

"That's comforting." Max says sarcastically. "Look Lucas is worried for you and after what I just heard I'm worried for you too. Do you think you should really be alone there if your parents are responsible for the bounty on Lucas? I mean seriously why would they do that they're own son?!"

"Calm down Max." Erica mentions simply. "If that's true I will find out, for now just make sure Lucas is safe and nurse him back to health. Feed him give him some water read him bedtime stories I don't care, just make sure he's well taken care of."

"Yeah I promise." Max nods. "Erica can you...at least give me a little background here? Why would your parents do that?"

Erica sighs a little bit. "As I said my father expects to much from Lucas, he wants him to be another him and Lucas doesn't want to be so that makes him mad, and with my mom she's just intimidated by him, she fears him."

"Okay why?"

"Long story Max." Erica says simply while she cleans her small gun, taking it all apart. "Don't worry for me I will be just fine."

Max sighs while she rubs her forehead. "Okay Lucas just wants you to check in periodically during the days just to be sure."


"And just...be safe Erica please. Lucas made it perfectly clear he doesn't want to loose you." Max says.

"A lot have tried yet my heart still beats." Erica says while putting her gun back together. "I'll be fine, I'll call you in the morning."

"Okay. Goodnight."


Max hangs up the phone, her softly putting her phone down on the nightstand and going to lay down next to Lucas, her hand softly to softly stroke his lightly stubbly cheek, seeing the stubble of a beard and mustache around his face, seeing how more larger he has gotten in muscular size.

One of her arms go around his head to pull his head to her chest, her hand going through his hair and going to scratch softly through it, her other hand resting on his chest, feeling how his chest slowly rises up and down, letting Max know he is breathing evenly.

Max softly goes to kiss his hot forehead, her continuing to scratch his scalp softly. "I will take care of you, I promise." She softly tells him while he is sleeping. "I'm so glad you're out of there."

Max goes to put her head against his, the side of his head being rested on her chest, him occasionally coughing while still asleep. Max grabs the cold towel she got, putting it on his forehead while slowly dabbing it on his forehead, just trying to cool him down.

Max's hand trails down the different bruise and scars on his stomach, some of them looking old but some of them being fresh as well. It makes her eyes water, her hands tracing over the bruises and cuts lightly, her just imagining all that he had to endure and the more she imagines the more her eyes begin to well up in tears, her wiping them from her cheeks when they begin to escape.

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