7th Chapter: Where were you?

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Cops take pictures of the crime scene in the room, other cops putting away things in evidence bags, some looking at the walls.

Powell makes his way inside of a room, him looking around the room and him going over to the trash can, an officer being behind him.

Powell puts on a glove before slowly taking out the used condom from the trash, both him and the officers face scrunching up in disgust.

"Put it in evidence." Powell gives the condom to the cop, him putting on a glove before slowly taking it. "We test it for his DNA and if it comes back positive we clear him."

"Rather big condom." The cop points out.

Powell just looks at him. "Just get it to evidence."

"Okay." The cop nods, him going to leave out of the room.

Hopper looks around the room while the cops take numerous amounts of pictures, him going over to the bathroom and spotting some red marks on the trash can.

He goes over to the trash can, him putting the heel of his foot on the lever to open up the top, him using his glove to take out the bloody white shirt that is drenched with blood, his eyebrows furrowing a little bit.

"Boss." Callahan says, him going to stand besides Hopper. "What's that?"

"Good question." Hopper responds, him giving the shirt to Callahan. "Take it to evidence, and let's test it for prints."

"Okay." Callahan responds.

Hopper looks back at the trash, him going to leave out of the bathroom.


Really?! Really?!" Sam yells as him Max and Susan come inside of the large mansion, Sam slamming the door shut behind him. "We are gone and you throw a wild party with drinking and drugs?!" He yells, the handy-maidens being seen cleaning around the mansion, it being well past midnight so cops are already gone from the mansion.

"Oh whatever I have been having parties here and you all never complained about it!" Max tells them.

"That was before someone was murdered during the party in our house and our house became a crime scene!" Susan yells.

"Well sorry that a murderer decided that they would kill in the house. I'm sorry I didn't realize that they were here that way I could say well hey there murderer! Can you do me the sweetest kindest favor and take it maybe to someone else's house or maybe for that matter go to therapy and don't murder at all?! Yeah! I'm so sorry!" Max yells before she goes to walk off.

"Don't walk away when we are talking to you!" Sam says sternly, Max stopping in her place while clenching her jaw and closing her eyes. "Where were you when it happened?"

"Okay first of all I wasn't looking at my GODDAMN CLOCK!" Max booms out while turning to face them.

"You better lower that tone!" Susan tells her.

"Oh shut the crap mother." Max rolls her eyes. "So what you guys think I killed her?!"

"No of course not!" Sam responds. "I will be calling lawyers tonight. I don't want you near this Max I know you didn't do this. But in order for me to explain to them what happened that way they can get to work I need you to tell me where you were all during the party okay? Please."

Max clenches her jaw while she crosses her arms. "I was down here."

Max cheers out while she gets done drinking another drink, her laughing and talking with Jane and leaning on her a little bit.

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