20th Chapter: Room 101

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Lucas pulls up the large bar as he bench presses, circular weights being on the sides of the silver bar, his AirPods being in his ears as he repeatedly brings the bar up and down, him holding a blunt in between his lips, his body being completely sweaty from his long workout time.

Lucas goes to put on punching gloves, him going to his punching bag and him beginning to punch it repeatedly, his hands going back and forth as he punches it even more rougher than the last times.

He next goes over to the treadmill, him adjusting the speed to the highest speed before he begins to run with all of his might.

Charles stands at the door to the exercising room, Lucas back being turned to him as he runs on the treadmill. He goes to knock on the door, loudly enough for Lucas to hear.

Lucas turns off his music while he adjusts the settings on the treadmill to a walking setting, Charles going to stand besides the treadmill. Lucas looks over at him while he still walks, him still having a blunt in his mouth.

"Why do you smoke?" Charles questions.

"It relaxes me." Lucas replies simply.

"True yes, but it is also bad for the body."

"We're all going to die anyways."

"True." Charles shrugs a little bit. "You are working your ass off like you have some football game coming up, which you only do when something is pissing you off or bothering you, are you close to finding this killer?"

"Finding a killer is no easy task, especially when they are smart." Lucas responds.

"Yes however there is a lot of tension now in this city." Charles starts, his hands going in his pockets while he slowly begins to round the treadmill, Lucas still walking on it. "Everyone is looking over their shoulders now, and most now think that yes the killer has been put behind bars, that Jonathan Hopper and his sister was a accomplice to the murder, but most still have a sneaky suspicion that you or Erica had something to do with it, and we cannot have that for our—"

"Reputation yeah I know Dad." Lucas finishes for him.

Charles nods, him leaning his shoulder on the wall while his hands are still in his suit pockets. "Me and your mother are trying to set up our business here. They are a lot of people who would love to do business with us however they have put these dealings on hold because of the situation at hand. Your mother would like for her station to broaden out more and that causes for the broadcasting stations and companies to be partnered with, or bought out. And with me I deal with the corporations, and transportations businesses, which all meetings are on a current hold."

Lucas continues to walk on the treadmill while looking straight ahead of him, he goes to stop the treadmill altogether, him just leaning and putting his hands around the side bars of the treadmill, him looking down a little bit.

"What I'm trying to say is that we are depending on you, and this is your chance of convincing me that you are capable of handling things on your own." Charles tells him. "So as Daniel Lawrence Whitney always says...get her done."

Lucas hears as Charles goes to walk out of the exercising room, Lucas still looking ahead of him as he does. Lucas slowly goes to grip the side bars with his hands, the veins slowly beginning to pop out of his hands and them being seen throughout his arms, him going to close his eyes a little bit.

"No!" Lucas screams out while the cop grabs Erica, giving her a hard slap and throwing her across the room.

Lucas screams out loudly as the pocket knife goes in the side of his stomach, him staggering back a little as his hands go to the knife.

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