26th Chapter: Distant Memories

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Steve and Gregory laugh while they sit on the living room couch, both of them holding PlayStation controllers in their hands, moving the joysticks around and pressing the buttons.

"He's flanking us on the left!" Steve says while looking at the large flat screen TV.

"I got him I got him!" Gregory says. "He's dead!"

"Awesome let's get his loot." Steve says.

Josephine smiles while looking at them both, her being in the kitchen getting done making the dinner. She goes to make two plates before picking them up and going over to them. "Alright boys dinner is ready, pause the game."

"We can't it can't be paused." Steve says while looking at the screen, Josephine putting their plates down in front of them. "Oh crap we're getting shot!"

"It's coming from northwest!"

"Get them!"

"Oh man!" Gregory groans out when they both die.

"We were so close!" Steve shakes his head, him going to put down the controller. "We have to do another round."

Josephine laughs. "You boys said that six rounds ago."

"We have to get first place. I refuse to accept top three." Gregory says.

"Right." Steve laughs.

Josephine looks towards the door when the doorbell rings, her going over to the door and opening it, her eyebrows furrowing a little bit. "Nancy?"

"Hi Misses Harrington." Nancy lightly waves.

Josephine sighs a little bit, her hand going to the door while she shrugs. "What do you want Nancy?"

"I came to apologize, to Steve." Nancy replies. "Please."

Josephine looks back at Steve, seeing how he laughs with Gregory. "Steve!"


"Nancy is here." Josephine mentions. "She wants to talk to you."

Gregory looks over at Steve. "Nancy?"

Steve looks over towards the door, seeing how Nancy stands at the door, her softly smiling at Steve. "Okay."

Josephine looks back at Nancy, her going to open the door more for her and motion for her to come in. Nancy gives Josephine a polite smile, Josephine smiling back at her softly. "Greg, want to help me with laundry?"

"I...guess." Gregory shrugs, him going to follow Josephine into the room. "Didn't she cheat on him?"

"Yep." Josephine pops the P, her going to crack the bedroom door when they make it inside. "Shh don't say anything else I want to ease drop."

Gregory chuckles a little bit, him going to stand a little by the door as well.

"Hey." Nancy slowly says.

"Hey." He says back.

Nancy goes to sit down on the couch. "I know I am the last person you want to see but I knew I owed you an apology for what happened." Nancy looks at him. "I am sorry Steve, I was wrong."

Steve nods his head a little bit. "You really did hurt me Nancy, I really did love you."

Nancy looks down a little bit. "And you deserve someone that is going to love you whole heartedly. I should've not let it drag out that long and that was selfish of me and dishonest of me and I am truly sorry. I umm...messed everything up for you and for Jonathan both."

Steve runs a hand through his hair slowly. "I appreciate the apology Nancy, honestly I just want to move forward. I can't say we can just be friends but we can co-exist, since we both basically have the same friend group."

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