29th Chapter: Steak Outs

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Lucas goes to park a few houses down from Sam and Susan's house, him being dressed in black jeans and a black leather jacket and a black simple T shirt, him being in a black simple four door car. He goes to bring out his phone, him going to dial Max's number before putting the phone to his ear.

Max looks at herself in the mirror in satisfaction, a little smile curving onto her face. She looks down at her phone when it rings, her going to answer it and put it on speaker. "Hello mister Hard Ass how may I assist you tonight? Do you need a little light hearted joke to light up your very dark and rude sense of humor?"

"You sound kind of frustrated Maxine, wouldn't be from earlier would it?" Lucas questions.

Max rolls her eyes. "I keep telling you to stop calling me that."

"And what makes you think I am going to listen?"

"Because I tell you to."

Lucas rolls his eyes in response. "I'm outside, three houses down to the left from yours. Hurry up."

"Okay be down in five." Max says.

"No now—"

Max hangs up the phone before he can finish his sentence, her smiling to herself in the mirror as she gets done putting on her eyeliner.

Lucas huffs a little in frustration while putting down his phone, him tapping his thumb lightly against the wheel as he waits. It seems like the minutes feel like hours, him going to pick up his phone, him going to call Max once again.

Max looks at the phone as it rings, her smiling as she just lets it ring, her going to slowly put on her red lip gloss.

"Max I swear to god." Lucas says to himself, him going to go to her contact and begin to message her.

Max looks down at her phone when it dings, her picking it up and going to look at it.

Lucas 🙄🙃😊: Get your ass down here now

Max rolls her eyes, her going to send him a text back.

Max: I'm coming I'm coming sheesh, take a chill pill won't you.

Lucas 🙄🙃😊: Now.

Max rolls her eyes, her going to get up from her vanity chair and leave out of her wing, her going downstairs and her going to leave out of the front door.

Lucas taps his thumb against the wheel more, him going to light his blunt and him putting away his lighter in his pocket and going to inhale while closing his eyes, him taking the blunt away from his mouth and going to blow the smoke out, him going to put the blunt back in his mouth, him holding it in his mouth while looking around.

His eyes stare straight ahead of him when he finally sees Max making her way over towards the car, his gaze setting on her more and more, his grip tightening a little against the wheel.

She walks with her shoulders back and posture straight, confident strides towards the car. Her legs look more longer and toned with the red opened toed heels that she wears. Her red leather high rise shorts hugs her body well, her dark red leather jacket being over the sports bra that she wears that shows off her cleavage, her long curly ginger hair being in a high ponytail with two strands hanging from the sides.

She walks confidently while she goes to put the small blunt in her mouth that is almost out, her inhaling the last of it and blowing it out before tossing the blunt in the grass.

Lucas goes to lean his arm on the car door, the side of his head going to lean on his hand while Max opens the passenger side door, her getting in the car and closing the door behind her.

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