31st Chapter: When you're ready

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Max feels her eyes slowly begin to open, her being on laid on her left side. She sees how the sky is cloudy but how the rain has stopped as well as the thundering.

She can smell the smell of a blunt being smoked, her slowly going to turn around on her right side to face the door and more into the room area. She sees how Lucas pulls up his black jeans, his back being turned to her while he holds his phone to his ear with his shoulder, smoke being seen being blown out in front of him, Max hearing the sound of his belt.

"So what it sounds like is that he makes these deliveries to these specific locations maybe on this specific day. We need to find out the routine." Lucas explains.

Max looks at the digital clock on the nightstand, seeing that it is eight in the morning, her thankful that it is Saturday and they get two more days of resting until school starts back. Max slowly goes to raise up, her going to grab her phone and look through her messages.

"Yeah, no I'll be there in a few hours." Lucas says over the phone while turning to look at Max. "Okay." He says before hanging up the phone.

"So everyone saw the same guy and he was on like a...making pattern delivery type thing." Max motions with her hand.

"Yeah." He replies, him buckling his belt while blowing out smoke from his mouth. "Same description and based on the time that each one of them saw him he was going from Cannon Tides city to the city we are in, which means we had a route heading east into each city, most likely a delivery route. First we need to figure out how frequent the deliveries are to gather a routine of things then somehow find out who he is and what is in those boxes."

Max nods her head slowly, seeing how he buckles his belt while smoking, him getting done and going to put his shirt on followed by his leather jacket. "Okay."

"Your clothes are on the couch." He points. "Go on and get ready, we leave when you are done."

Max nods her head, her going to pull the covers away from the bed. She goes to grab her clothes from the couch before going to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

She goes to get in the shower, her going to get out of the shower after a few minutes after she is done and her drying off and moisturizing before putting on her clothes, her going to brush her teeth and wash her face as well. She goes to put her hair in a high ponytail and put on her leather jacket, her leaving out of the bathroom as soon as she is done.

She goes to put the shirt in a bag as well as her lotion and body wash and shampoo, seeing how he gathers up his things as well and puts it in a bag.

Lucas turns to look at her, him taking the small blunt from his mouth and tossing it in the trash. "You ready?"

"Yeah." She replies.

"Okay come on—"

"Lucas wait." Max goes to put down her purse and bag, him turning to look at her. "Are we not going to talk about what happened last night? Obviously it is forming this...elephant in the room and I really don't want things to be awkward between us."

"Do you want my complete and brutal honesty Max?" Lucas puts down his bag.

Max feels her heart beat faster from the question, feeling her nervousness start to grow more inside of her because she really doesn't know what to expect. He's closed in but open at the same time, he's just a different kind of complex that she doesn't really understand. "Yeah?" She states it more as a question.

Lucas goes to make slow strides over to her, her hands going behind her back to play with her fingers lightly the closer he gets. "Max, I had a thing for you ever since I laid my eyes on you." He admits. "Ever since I saw you I wanted I actually wanted you to be in Tabatha's shoes that night of the party."

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