60th Chapter: Believing in You

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Dustin types away on the computer with Suzie helping him, them sitting up at the barstools while everyone else is around the living room area.

Lucas paces a little bit, him looking down at his phone to not see any messages from Max, him looking at the time as well. "Will." Lucas calls out.

"Yeah?" He answers.

"Has Max text you at all?"

Will looks down at his phone. "No she hasn't."

Lucas looks down a little bit, him going to glance at the time every minute now.

"I found it!" Dustin smiles.

"Oh my god code 104!" Suzie points at the computer screen.

"Are you able to get into it?" Lucas looks over his shoulder a little bit.

"Not yet." Dustin replies. "I guarantee you this is what my mother was talking about with the thirteen firewalls within this code, and I imagine they aren't easy to crack seeing as how this was a top secret thing being done so....this might take a minute." Dustin mentions.

"Have any of you heard from Max?" Lucas questions.


"No we haven't."


Lucas looks around a little bit, him shaking his head lightly as he goes over to the bedroom, him shaking his head before he goes to leave out of the room. "Something isn't right."

"What do you mean?" Jane questions.

"I mean Max is supposed to be calling or texting me right now she isn't." Lucas replies, him going to put the phone to his ear. "It's going straight to voicemail."

"No....no no no no no no." Will begins to panic. "Please don't tell me you're thinking what I'm thinking. Please don't tell me the killer has her."

"What?!" They all exclaim.

"What do we do?!" Robin begins to panic.

"Just shut up!" Lucas snaps, him going to dial Erica's number before putting the phone to his ear.

Erica types away on her keyboard, her putting the phone to her ear. "Lucas? Any update?"

"No but Max left to chase a lead and now she isn't answering her phone." Lucas responds. "Can you track it?"

"I can see what I can do." Erica responds, her beginning to go to her other app on her computer. "I'll find her, how long has she been gone?"

"About forty five minutes." Lucas answers.

"Hmm." Erica hums simply. "I'll see her last known location and investigate from there."

"Okay thanks." Lucas says before hanging up the phone.

"Maybe she's at her parents?" Will questions.

"Then let's go." Lucas goes to grab his jacket.

"Lucas what no you're a fugitive." Nancy goes to stand up. "You can't leave here."

"Watch me." Lucas says before going to leave out of the door while putting on his jacket.

"I'll keep an eye out for him don't worry." Will says before he quickly follows Lucas. "Come on my car is here." Will says before they both go to get in the car, Will quickly going to back the car up before going to drive off.

Sam watches TV in the living room while Susan wipes the counters in the kitchen, the snow falling from the sky and filling up the roads.

Sam looks towards the door when the doorbell rings, him going over to it and going to open the door. "Hey Will."

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